Keeping the plants in flowering stage?

Hi everyone. I tried to do a search about this but came up empty (rollitup & google as well). Sorry if it was asked before, but I was wondering if it is possible, after the general vegetative growth of the plant, to keep it on the flowering light cycle (ie. 18/6) for the rest of it's life. Would it keep producing buds, or does the plants have to switch back to the vegetative growth for a while then back to flowering to produce?

Anyone ever tried that? Just curious. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
18/6 is vegetative cycle, 12/12 is flowering cycle.

From what I understand if you let it flower too long it will hermie and self pollinate creating seeds... which is what bagseed is.

I've read that you can have a plant keep producing multiple batches of seeds. It will continue to grow new calyx's, but will eventually die, probably from using up all the stored nutrients.

You can re-veg the plant back into a vegetative cycle, you don't hear about people doing this as much I guess cuz it takes a lot of time?

I'm not 100% on this information, cannabis is so engineered these days you rarely ever hear about it's natural growth process in the wild.


Well-Known Member
it wont keep producing buds. like lmn8r said it will create seeds. but as many plants do it will eventually die out leaving you with a huge plants and mad seeds and the bud it made will pollenate and leave you nothing.