Keith Olberman vs Tea Party


Well-Known Member
you may be obsessed with your neighbor's scrotum, but these are folks that are just fed up with having to pay for governmental intrusion and waste. as a pot smoker and taxpayer, why aren't you?

Please. These are the same morons that supported Bush's Patriot Act, Bush's trillion dollar war and Bush's record govt expansion. Half of them are screaming about free health care while on Medicaid/Medicare. These are the people the rest of the world laughs at when it comes to Americans.



Well-Known Member
Please. These are the same morons that supported Bush's Patriot Act, Bush's trillion dollar war and Bush's record govt expansion. Half of them are screaming about free health care while on Medicaid/Medicare. These are the people the rest of the world laughs at when it comes to Americans.

Nobody has a problem with taking care of the elderly. Yes Medicare is socialized medicine. But it helps those that cannot help themselves anymore. Key word being anymore.

The entire system clearly needs an overhaul. Only a small portion of the US want this overhaul...this attempt only helps less than 10% of the popluation (the uninsured).

This health care movement is not about lower premiums. Since when does something that is mandatory become cheaper?

Keith Olberman??? Really??? He's a clown. Ratings do matter and he is basically just "the best of the worst" LOL.


New Member
Definitions of Teabagger on the Web:
  • Teabagging is a slang term for the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth. Source: The Bedside Orgasm Book: 365 Days of Sexual Ecstasy, Cynthia W. ...
Now aint youall proud of yourselves?
Teabagging and right wing politics, huh? seems they go hand in hand, as in look at me, I'm a proud teabagging religious zealot. Do as I say, not as I do.