Kennedy leads a group to fight against marijuana legalization!!! WTF??


Active Member
That's right, the fucker born with a silver spoon in his mouth, from his family's wealth built upon distribution of illegal liqour during prohibition... is going to go around trying to raise money from the interest groups who wish to fight legal marijuana.

Here is a link to today's Yahoo News story about it:

I received an email from MPP Marijuana Policy Project yesterday about this new development in the war on marijuana smokers. Kennedy's group wants to require marijuana users to attend re-education camps! No Fucking Shit!!! I supported the voice against Kennedy by signing this online petition that now has over 3000 signatures. I will also be sending a monetary donation to put my money where my mouth is, like I did with the Colorado legalization campaign when they passed Issue 64 in November.

I TRULY believe it is time for mj smokers to publicly speak out and lobby against this crap.


Active Member
Here is where you can sign the petition (it doesn't cost a dime):

Note to forward to your friends:


I just signed the petition "Patrick Kennedy: Marijuana consumers should not be forced into treatment – Drop out of SAM!" on

It's important. Will you sign it too? Here's the link:



Mailing address: 216 West 104th Street, Suite #130, New York, NY 10025. USA


Well-Known Member
I will also sign but it simply looks like a "Con" to make money.

I'm guessing there are a lot of folks with their hand out on this one.


Active Member
Screw Kennedy,,,,,this country belongs to the people,,,,,it is time we carry it. While we are at it we need to get new blood in Washington....