Kentucky's Crazy Weed Technique


Well-Known Member
Not if you leave enough vegetation for it to repair itself. That, along with the help of some rooting hormone and I'd bet it could work just fine. What I can't wrap my head around is treating each section of a single plant differently and actually getting different results. It seems to me that whatever happens to the mother will happen to them all.
I agree. I think you would get the results combined equaling equaling one over all result not a mixture of results. But I am not sure. What is a good age to try this at? I am going to with my LST plant.


Active Member
Mid-Late Veg. stage ?
Good Question

Im assuming later just so you have some height to the plant, and it will recover well. Also leaving enough to work with at the bottom. Using rooting hormone seems like a + :mrgreen:

Ill try and get back in touch with "Louie"...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's got to have some height to it. All my plants are in full LST training, but they have yet to reach around the pot itself, let alone be able to touch down in another pot. However, I'm seeing a real explosion in growth now that it's warmed up and I've stopped using fertilizer altogether. I'm seeing secondary node growth on those areas lower down on the main branch that have now been exposed.

So, I'm thinking about how it would work, and theoretically it could practically double the plant -- LST main plant, then take either the top as it's met the main branch again, or a side branch that's noding out, and force that to root, then LST it. Make sense? Each rootball will be able to nourish the entire plant, or at least that which grows down the line.

Yep, they may be hillbillies, but they sure know their farming! :D When the apocalypse comes, they'll be able to take care of themselves.


Active Member
HaHa, yea they know whats up about about grass for sure. Nothing left on the planet except rocks and cockroaches and they will some how get a plant to grow off the side of a nuclear rock and fert it with roaches..haha

Sounds like you have a solid idea for setting this up, its going to be one mean ass plant if all works out!! :mrgreen:
Even if you just take a few side branches and plant them off to the sides and LST them off a main plant, instead of bending the whole thing over and into the ground still sounds like a killer idea man... this ideas spreading like wildfire :joint:



Well-Known Member
The only problem I can think of is with the vegetative time required. Do you have any idea what latitude these plants are growing at? Ok.. I found a trippy site.. check this shit out--just click, on the map, where you want to determine latitude and longitude, and the dialog box on the right will give you coordinates, and a box will pop up on the map.
Google Maps Latitude, Longitude Popup

So, Louisville is about 38* latitude, and where I am is also about 38* latitude... we probably both get frost, but at the same time..? Hmmm... I think to really be successful you've got to get the section you want more growth from into the ground ASAP, yeah?
This map thing is flippin' cool. :D


New Member
look up "air rooting"
people bury the centers of branches that are near the ground leaving the base and top exposed but the center underground. Roots then grow in the part that has the soil covering it and the plant can then be cut away.
I heard about it being used with apples but I have seen it done with cannabis as well.
I saw a thread where a guy took a plastic box that clipped together (pretty airtight but not all the way) and made some notches in it where a stem would go though of the center of the box and it still close.
He then scraped the stem a little bit and applied rooting hormones. Applied a moist paper towel and the box. Kept check on it and in like 4-5 days it had roots on it.
He cut off the clone and it grew into a healthy little plant.


Active Member
It's called airlayering, you need spangdum moss and root tone and a bag for holding in the moisture.


Active Member
You got it :mrgreen:
Yea over the last day or so here ive found out alot of different ways to go about it and man Rollitup has been great help.

Yea the plant is "U" shaped... Taste the Rainbow eh ?
Thanks Rob for the info, its much appreciated :joint:


Active Member
well i live in kentucky and i have seen this done, never tryed it myself, but it does work, any one ever grew one upside down? they do good.


Active Member
dude im from ky, we just grow like that for security, because when the dreaded rogue comes into my woods, he's movin quick and he's not lookin for pot per se, mainly looking for the bright colors, and the distinctive leaves. i started growing mine LST but didnt know thats what i was doing lol, just keepin out of your sightline. we strip all but the "dinner plate" leaves, makes it hella easy come trimming party too, hope this helped. doubt if it did. but thats my personal experience with outdoor ky