Kinda Got Caught-NEED ADVISE

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Active Member
Well first off, i live with my parents, and my mother doesn't like MJ. And i started to grow in a stealth pc. but i left a germinated seed in a paper towel on my dresser, and she went in my room snooping around and found it, then she confronted me. She wasnt too mad but she doesnt want it in her house, and doesnt want me growing.

She didn't find the stealth PC. should i get rid of it, so she doesnt get mad at me when she does find it( for some reason i think she will)

or should i keep growing?????


Well-Known Member
Another Weed Baron eh?

First off, if you're not 18, its time to leave this site.
Either way, you shouldnt be growing in anyones house without their permission. There are alot of legal implications for the homeowner that come with a grow-op being busted, if you love your parents you won't put them in a position where its a concern.
Your grow is 3 days old and already your mom busted it, it doesnt look good for the future.
Do the right thing. Shut down, and save it for when you're living on your own.

I'm not trying to come off as a dick here, but i'm giving it to your straight.


Well-Known Member
oi im in your shoes im young keep growing thats the point of the case she wont take anouther look i got a steallt set up trust me it will be worth it all that weed


Well-Known Member
respect your parents and don't grow in thier house man!
Where the fuck do these kids get off thinking they can do whatever they want, get your own place, pay your own bills and grow away but until then don't grow!!!


Well-Known Member
oi im in your shoes im young keep growing thats the point of the case she wont take anouther look i got a steallt set up trust me it will be worth it all that weed
You'd be comfortable with your parents in handcuffs?
Thats pretty fucking selfish if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
Whulk how many grows have you fucked up now?
At least 3 probably 4?
Jezus215 do yourself a favor and don't listen to a word this kid says...

Personally, I do not appreciate your negativity.

And for your information I harvested a Lowryder x AK47 plant in January so thank you very much.

To be honest I do not like you.



Well-Known Member
pics or it's made up...
Honestly man you harass folks on RIU thru skype, I doubt your even 18. On top of that you show really poor judgement, from growing in your mommy's house to having campus security search your dorm room because you ran your mouth. You were convinced you could put a 400 watt HPS in a computer case despite everyone telling it won't work.


Well-Known Member
Woah woah woah woah back up the bus....when did I say I could put a HPS in there? The most is 50 HPS but I said 400W worth of CFL's as in the ones that are equal to it.

How can I smoke my harvest lol?

Also I have to use certain phrases in my sentences to tell a story, if not I have to hear bullshit from everybody.

Besides my Skype got hacked and bothered all of my contacts.

I mean for christ sakes you have almost 5k posts on this site, do you have a life outside of the internet or no?

Just leave me the fuck alone.


Well-Known Member
I do have a life buddy, I work 20 to 30 hours a week and got to college full time.
But you did think you could put a 400 HPS inside a computer case, this was months ago but I def remember it.

Again lets see that harvest or it didn't happen...


Well-Known Member
I do have a life buddy, I work 20 to 30 hours a week and got to college full time.
But you did think you could put a 400 HPS inside a computer case, this was months ago but I def remember it.

Again lets see that harvest or it didn't happen...

Tell me, how can I show you........


Well-Known Member
go outside ... it's better anyway... find you a nice little area and grow there... it'll be better than growing indoors anyways
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