King Blunt and his Appalachian Grow Adventure

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Hey, whats up RIU?! Some of you may know me, others not. Anywho, I live in "The Mountain State" ;) and decided that with all these beautiful foothills around, that I'd put em to use. This year (first actual try at outdoor) I'm growing mostly bagseed. I have three bagseed already planted and in the ground for around 3/4 weeks. I also have two GDP and one Lemon Skunk. They are just sprouts as of now, but hopefully soon will explode with growth haha. I plan on germing 8 more bagseeds. My plan is to plant as many, within my ability to care of, as I can. I want to pull at least 4oz off each. I'm using the local soil here as my own. I haven't added any nutrients yet but will soon add Oscomote Granuals to the soil. I am currently having a pest problem....... Holes in some of my leaves. This will soon be taken care of however, I believe I'm goin to start using Neem Oil. Anyways, I'll update pix as I go along. All help/advice would be great. Peace


OMG finally after 4 years of searching I finally found 'another' WVian on a grow forum lol...I'll be following this...Good luck man...And "Montani semper liberi"

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Yea dude, I thought I was the only WVian here on RIu haha. I should have some pics up tonight. What part of the state you from? I'm on the western border near a well known growing county ;)


I had been forgetting to sign up here for a while...I'm near the E'panhandle and I'm pretty sure I know the county you speak of ;-)


Well-Known Member
Hello KB,not in WVa., but close......

Be nice to compare results w/ ppl from a similar part of the country (somewhere other than Cali. lol), but yea, hope to see some pics of yours eventually
if/when I finally get back on track w/ my camera I'll post some here for comparison.

good luck w/ the bag-seed btw. I've gone that route twice and after the 2nd time of pulling males I told myself that I'd grow feminized or nothing from then on out.

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, got some bad news tho. Idk when I'll have pics up. I normally do it at my gf bc I have dial-up here, and a shitty pc :( But, I will still keep you updated. Out of my 3 bagseeds already out, 2 Look good. They are about two feet tall. One is a heavy indica, and the other is probably a 70/30 Indica dom hybrid. The other plant is a very dark green, but something is wrong with it :( its a nutrient def for sure, I need to go pick up some. My GDP and Lemon skunk are very small but look good. I'm lovin this weather here tho :) Anyways, sorry for babbling outta my head, I wanna hear what you all have to say, tips, tricks, pics. I'll take more pics as I go thru so you will eventually see the entire grow. Peace

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Srry I haven't been on, things have been good. Plants are lookin great, hopefully have pics up soon. Anyone got an Appalachian grow goin too?


Srry I haven't been on, things have been good. Plants are lookin great, hopefully have pics up soon. Anyone got an Appalachian grow goin too?
Yes indeed, but i'm nervous I started too late but I always think that lol...I still have to decide on m final few spots..

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Yea River, you should def try an hurry up and get some out. I'll put plants out up until the last week of July. The latter you put them out the smaller they will be. Now, that I have all my pics on the pc, it decides to fuck up. FML, ohwell, if you will stay tuned I WILL keep you updated. Pics will be here, I promise. As for any news, my three plants look great :) My fave, the most indica dom, is beautiful. She loves topping and I will soon start to LST her. Yes, I said her :) The other two look good, but nowhere near my baby. One is almost 4ft tall, but with only 6 nodes? I don't understand why she is strecthing so bad, she is right beside my baby-girl who is doing great. Ohwell, maybe it will straighten out. As for the last plant, she was looking pretty bad bc of bugs and a nute def. Now she is all healed up and lookin good. I will start to LST them this upcoming week. My two sprouts have 4 nodes, so I will soon take them out an plant them in the great outdoors :) I will try an start a few more as we progress. The only thing I have to do is keep the number of plants manageable, I will be going back to college in the fall, and work during the summer. Gonna take alot outta me to keep a bigger garden lol. Anyways, thanks for stayin tuned. Happy growin/tokin. Peace

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Haven't been up to checking on my plants, have a severe case of sun poisoning. It sucks dick :( Anyways, the two sprouts look good. I know that they are thirsty, weather here has been 90+ everyday for 4 days. I need to go water my babies tomorrow. All is well here tho, hows everyone else's grows? And as I keep saying, I will be posting pix. Just give me some time, my pc is fucked up atm. I have pics from all throught their life so I will have the whole grow logged. Anyways, happy growin. Peace


Can't wait to see some pics KB...

I have about 35 seedlings with 3 sets of leaves so far and pretty strong stems...I just can settle on a spot, lol...These have always been grown outdoors so I'm not too worried about hardening these plants...


Well-Known Member
If I had to guess what was eating your leaves I would say caterpillars...they are terrible this time of year...kill any white butterfly you is those dicks that are leaving all the freaking caterpillars

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Thats what I thought it was. I have seen a few new my plots. Needless to say, I killed them haha :) ^
And to marktwang, I love that part of Wv. Sooo beautiful.
Now an update- We got a good decent rain this morning for about 3 hours. Had to bring the two little ones in, was quite harsh. Anyways, I have one more seed germing. Just a bagseed tho :/ Might order some autos tho soon :)

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
No I have not abonded it, just been real real busy. I now have a full-time job, ontop of my dialy work lol. It sucks for caring for a guerilla garden, but its good money. They are all doin so fine, I have high hopes for this plot. The plants are just getting so big lol. Anyways, srry for no pics :( Idk when I'll b able to