kool aid method????


Well-Known Member
hey,i just had some questions ,,,i was recently told that you could water your plants with koolaid,and when time to harvest,your buds will taste like the flavor you were watering with,,,has anyone ever tried this,and if so,,,do you mix sugar with the koolaid,and does plant turn a dif color cause of the dye...?:o what about molases ,is it surpose to be sweet,cause i just tried some the other day,and that shit was nasty...


i must say the things some people come up with lol cant say it works but i can say i wouldint try it why ruin the natural smell and taste or even take the chance on ruining ur crop unless u have seen this person do it and have sampled the end product but just goin on some1ns word like that not worth the try.
guano is my fave flava


Active Member
Yeah i would have to agree koolaid doesnt sound like a good idea.. Molasses in soil tho is a good carb booster for your plants and yes it has a very distinct flavor lol, mix about 1 TBS or so to a Gal.


Well-Known Member
I read up a lot on this (search google for "rollitup food color" or "rollitup kool-aid"). Any coloring into soil will be filtered by the roots, so it won't work. BUT, apparently it works in a hydro setup, at somepoint adding in a packet of sugar free kool-aid. That is from what someone posts their friend does, but I dont know if anyone here has actually done that.

But if you are growing in soil, don't bother.


Well-Known Member
thanks fellas,,i wasnt gonna try it anyway,i was just asking cause i had never herd of this method,and just wanted to see it if was really possible,,,what kind of molasses is the best to use??