

Well-Known Member
I haven't changed anything and i am seeing large fluctuations in my power bill from month to month. For example; Jan it states that i used about 2800kwh per month, Feb is down to about 700kwh, March is back up to about 2000kwh, April is a down to about 700kwh, May is back up to about 2000kwh again and so on. So as you can see one month it's low and the next month is like 3-4 times as high!

How many kwh per month do you guys use up on average? Do you see fluctuations like i got here?


Well-Known Member
I've never seen that big of a fluctuation. On your bill where they show the meter reading information, does it say Actual? Mine do - they could also say estimated. If those are actual readings, someone may be tapped into you. 1500 - 2100kw is a big difference unless there's some high-power equipment that you only use occasionally - like only every other month. Seems pretty unlikely.