L.E.D. Grow Lights

I am getting Ready to build a small (5-6) sq ft. with 6 or eight plants. and I am thinking about using L.E.D lights for my main light source. I want to know can you Veg and flower with the same light? Is it effective? and what lights are the best to Use.

Sexxxy Beast

Active Member
I am getting Ready to build a small (5-6) sq ft. with 6 or eight plants. and I am thinking about using L.E.D lights for my main light source. I want to know can you Veg and flower with the same light? Is it effective? and what lights are the best to Use.
I wouldnt bother with LED unless your growing a couple plants in your cabinet. I've done the research and apparently the LED lights on ebay, the cheap ones dont have the right spectrum. The spectrum of LED lights the plants enjoy is very expensive, and though it works decently, you'd need alot of LED's to fill that room. Just 1 HPS lamp can do the whole thing, its simpler, cheaper to build, and better for your plants. LED's havent gotten cheap enough, especially the ones that do plant spectrum. They are also comming up with Plasma lamps in a couple years for plants. It promises to be better, until then hps.


L.E.D's work good from start to finish as long as you buy the right ones. You want the L.E.D's that offer a 460nm in blue and a 640nm in red. I would do your homework and not automatically take advice from people who have most likely never tested them out themselves. I've grown with CFL,HID,& L.E.D's and can tell you as long as you buy L.E.D's that offer at least 1watt per L.E.D and follow the NM wave lengths I stated above you'll out grow HID watt for watt. Their are a lot of sellers who state that a 90W LED will out grow a 400W HPS,I wouldn't agree with that but if you take 90 watts of L.E.D and do a grow test against a 150Watt HPS the HPS will be lost in the UFO's dust. If your growing medical for the price I would just use a 400watt cool tube with a inline hooked to it,otherwise the L.E.D is well worth the money with it giving off NO IR! That alone for a non medical grower is well worth the price. Also for 6-8 plants you'll need at least 2 90w UFO's or 1 of the 300W rigs. I know a guy out in Cali using 2 300Watt L.E.D's in a 6x6x6'5" grow tent and he got 540grams of it. If you have grow skills they work great!