LA Confidential, Blue Widow, White Siberian, Northern Lights


Active Member
4x4 Tent with Carbon filter and fan. 400W hps @ 400w MH.
Growing in organic Soil.
1 x DNA LA Confidential
1 x Dinafem Blue Widow
1 x Dinafem White Siberian
2 x G13 Northern Light Auto's

I was originally going to have the 3 photo's plus 1 Royal Haze indoor then do 5 G13 Northern Lights Outside but only 2 of the 5 NL made it and the royal haze didn't make it so I think Im going to just run all of em Inside.

There Currently Under Flouro's and will remain untill I get back into town on Sunday, then I will make the move into the tent.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man. Are you going to veg them till the autos are done and then switch to 12/12 for the non autos? Im subd..


Well-Known Member
Ya they would be pretty big. Just wondering how he was going to do it seeing that one needs 18/6 - 24 to flower and one needs 12/12 to flower.


Active Member
well that's a debate I've been going over the last couple days. I wanted to see if I could get away with veggin the other 3 while the 2 autos finish up Im just not sure I'll have the room in the tent. I may just go back to the original plan and throw em outside. But I definatly will not be cutting the NL autos short of light that's for sure.

Thanks for the love


Well-Known Member
well that's a debate I've been going over the last couple days. I wanted to see if I could get away with veggin the other 3 while the 2 autos finish up Im just not sure I'll have the room in the tent. I may just go back to the original plan and throw em outside. But I definatly will not be cutting the NL autos short of light that's for sure.

Thanks for the love
You shouldnt have a problem. Give them a little lst love(if your worried about harvesting height) when they are young and you should be fine. The non autos are indica dominant so they should stay shorter and bushy through vegging and not stretch too much during 12/12.


Active Member
I did last time but I was looking at my ballast which they both plug into. and I don't think my ballast is suppose to have both running... IDK i didn't have a fire last time lol

And yea Im not too worried about the space I mean normally I got 4 in their but only 3 will be fine plus they won't get unmanagable untill I flip em.


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering how you were going to do the lights if you vegged 3 and flowered 2 at the same time. Curious cause im thinking of doing this on my next grow after my ladies are harvested. Ill probably go with a CMH though on my next grow so i should be able to do both under the same light.


Active Member
Im gonna call the number on the ballast and if they tell me im not suppose to run both off of the same ballast (which im pretty sure im not suppose too) then Im just going to run the 400w MH and hope the autos turn out under that... IDK what else to do they may just get thrown outside when it's all said and done.


Active Member
I will add that the La Confidential and one of the auto's (for the first 2 wks) will be givin Humboldt Nutrients Verde and then switch to the Ginormous . I know these are suppose to work inconjuction with the master A & B but im trying it this way on these. I will also water with seagreen every other and mollassas once in flowering.
The rest will be getting the fox farm trio


Well-Known Member
Hit those autos up with some 2700k cfl's as supplemental red lighting and run the mh. That should work. 800 watts seems like alot of electricity for no real increase in lumens other than a bigger footprint. Either way ill be watching:)


Active Member
THanks for the advice. I might look into that it'd be a cheap way to fix that problem.

Either way Ill make sure to update in the next few days.


Active Member
Well there coming along fine. One of the Northern Lights has yellow spots on the leaves but i think that is just a burn from being watered with the lights on... Im not too worried about it they'll be fine. I decided I am going to just veg until the autos are done. And what better time than now to do another experiment. On my last grow I did the flush experiment. 1 plant 2wks just water before harvest, 1 plant flush solution 10days prior, and 1 plant I fed all the way up. My results were they all tasted very similar after the cure. But anyways enough off topic I think I am going to grow the auto's under only the MH light and we will see how the nugs turn out. I honestly don't think I will see that big of a difference but I guess that's what the experiment is for. Stay tuned for updates.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Ya they would be pretty big. Just wondering how he was going to do it seeing that one needs 18/6 - 24 to flower and one needs 12/12 to flower.
You don't actually need more 18/6-24 for an auto to flower. I have a blue widow and an exodus cheese that I put into flowering at the end of my NL autos lifespan and it actually improved the yield, although it did take longer to finish.


Active Member
Hey bro glad to see things r going nicely...I would personally just run the HPS u can veg just fine under them...Either way will be fine tho...Keep it up


Active Member
Day 15
They are now starting to blow up, with a few good sets of leaves coming in. They all are green and healthy. NL1 has some slight burning on the first set of leaves but it doesn't seem to be continuing so I'm not too worried about it. I moved them all into their final homes, and under the MH for 18/6 light cycle. Last week I gave NL 1 and LA sea green then the rest were given the fox farm. I decided that I'm just going to throw both of the NL autos outside in the garden next to the cucumbers and tomatoes. It will be interesting to see what happens with them each getting different nutes. I am going to start their nute regiment tomorrow.I am having a little trouble getting my temp down, It's not bad right around 80. I will probably go make the purchase for an A/C unit to hook up into the tent. Other than that everything is running smoothly and now i will only have 3 plants in my tent so i should have plenty of room to veg them out a bit. I am still debating on how I am going to keep them tamed. I may just LST one, Top another, and let one go and see what happens.

Day 15(2).jpg


Active Member
lol the brownies were bomb and made it through security no problem, they didn't even look twice. I did get a little sketched when walking by a dog but im still here... BTW plants are all doing amazing and my two autos are loving the outside right now. I just finished my 2x4 build for a veg/cloneing room. THat way i can turn my tent into just flower. Now my biggest decision is still yet to be made. Upgrade my 400w and put it in the little tent but deal with the heat, Get T5's or go with the LED panel. Im not quit sold on LED's yet... Any thoughts?


Active Member
get the blackstar 240w for ur veg chamber bro...They r really good for the money and have many proven grows..I'm personally gonna get 2-4 of them as soon as i get to michigan and start to it for patients and dispenseries...Im gonna use them as side lighting with my 600w..Plan is to run 2x600w quatums and 2 of the 240w per 600wHPS...Im gonna be able to do 12 at a time...So 6 plants under a 600w with 2x240 blackstars(for side lighting, lower nugs and then the final 2-3weeks i will put 1 LED above the canopy to help increase THC ...So it will be 840w per 6 plants....The blackstars only run at half there rated wattage so each 240 is only 120-130w but produce well enough for 3-4 plants per 1 light..Also if ur looking at the blackstars call gotham hydroponics and ask for victor and tell him u run a journal on RUI and he will give u a nice discount and free shipping just for like advertisment of the blackstar...But keep up the good work bro and im glad u got to take ur brownies with ya...That is awsome...My ladies r killing it and starting to throw out my pistils, i pinched my tops at 12pm and by 9am they where all bent right back up towards the light and perky as fuck..I was like holy shit thought id need a few days to