Hey lacy looks like your hash making didn't go to well,oh well try again.
If you want a quick and easy basic hash just partially grind some bone dry buds i.e. not to dust just a bit bashed,2 second blast on the button.
Get a normal flour sieve and sieve out all of the crappy bits whilst moving it around with a spoon.
Chuck all the crap left in your sieve to one side,you can use it later in some pure alcohol to make oil,if you want to.
Then take your sieved bits and then shake them through a tea strainer,once again throw to one side all the stuff thats to big to go through the tea strainer.
Once you have a big load of sieved stuff get a silk screen and dump it on top and just wobble it from side to side gently until your happy that all of the good stuff has dropped through the screen.
Scrape and press what you have left and throw the stuff that didn't fall through onto the crap pile.
Then take your crap pile and pour pure alchohol onto it till its well covered and shake the shit out of it for a couple of minutes and then pour it through a coffee filter into a bowl.
The resulting liquid will eventually evaporate leaving only oil.
I use a kettle to make this happen quicker by pouring boiling water into a metal pan and then placing the bowl semi submerged into the water.
When its done you will have a nice bit of oil to scrape onto your rizlas,bong,vap however and some decent hash.
Obviously though if you want the totally pure hash you will have to do what fdd said and get some bags etc.
This is how i make my hash and oil anyway.
I myself have never had the privilege to smoke any pure bubble bagged hash so far anyway.
Best of luck with it anyway