Ladybugs to lazy to eat Mites?

In the rooms surround my grow room. I usually see a lot of lady bugs. A about three ago. I saw a ton of spider mites on my plants and clones, and the ladybugs were nowhere to be found. I went into the other rooms to pick them up and put them in my grow room, and it's like the disappeared. I'm thinking about ordering some online. Should I?

The spider mites are black.

Aren't ladybugs predatory mites

Edit: I just did some looking up. There a ton of different types of predatory mites. But I do not know if they harm the plants. Plus I do not want a bunch of other mites in their. I would rather have lady bugs. P


Active Member
I feel like lady bugs are only a supplimental solution, I've looked at how many they eat a day at it doesnt seem like much. I've not tried predatory mites, but heard they are good. They don't harm plants because they only eat other bugs. The only problem with those is you can't suppliment with pesticides. Anything that will kill regular mites will definitely kill the predatory mites. I would only use predatory mites if I was stuck in a pure organic grow, and I was going for a control option, rather than an irradicating option.


Well-Known Member
i use ladybugs as well. i remember when i first introduced them they ate a lot and were working wonderings and then after a while they just kinda hung around and slept all day lol. After some research i found they don't reproduce unless theres pollen around and i think it plays a role in there feeding schedule. my idea on my next grow is to plant some random house plants with heavy pollen to see how they react. although im no expert lol


Well-Known Member
the only thing about using mites is you are going to wind up with microscopic feces and sheddings in your pot however if you already have spider mites i guess this doesnt really matter maybe...just a kinda gross random fact i guess lol