Large Volume Water Changes in RDWC


Well-Known Member
Just looking for insight and experiences in large volume water changes for my upcoming rig ( ). It will have 24 x 14 gallon totes plus 50 gallon rez. The totes will be about 70% full, or 10 gallons and the rez will be about 50% full or 25 approx 265 gallon volume. I have a 300 gallon R/O water storage tank that will always be at the ready, but I'm not looking forward to water changes. I've run a 12 bucket RDWC with 70 gallon volume through veg and flower with only a partial (40%) water change during the 10 - 12 weeks, and it has been very successful...then full R/O and Clearex flush...but that's 70 gallons. Doing a 265 gallon change will be another story. My rig will have a quick drain system, then I'll be able to pump the fresh R/O in with a sump and hose...but I foresee it being a pretty big project. I'd prefer to do this only when I do my final flush. I plan on doing a Clearex rinse (medium) and dip (roots) when I transition from Veg to Flower, but they'll be coming from the Veg room to the Flower room when I do this..when they're still relatively small and mobile. Doing multiple, full system water changes sounds lame.


Are you going to run a water chiller? Have you considered switching to coolers to keep the water from heating up? Do you like kittens? What nutes are you running?

I like the idea of running some sort of sump pump or a pump that can go both ways for getting rid of waste water. You might get away with just changing out the res a couple times if you don't have root rot or any uckies like that...


Well-Known Member
Yes, will be running a 1/2 HP chiller rated for 320 gallons. What do you mean by coolers? I'm a dog person. Botanicare (including Aqua Shield)

j to the c

Well-Known Member
You gotta do what you gotta do. If you don't want to put in the effort then don't do it, suck it up, YES it will take a long time, YES you socks will get wet, YES you will use a ton of nutes, YES your R/O filter takes that long to refill. BUT you have 8k in lights so about 20lb every 9 weeks? FUCK YEAH its worth it