Large white seed found in main stem?


Well-Known Member
It's eclipta.... read my post on the previous page. He's growing a weed, not WEED. Congrats though on your weed grow. If you have athletes foot, eclipta is good medicine for it.
lol .. hes growing weed, not weed ... while it may not be THE weed we all love (pot) it is still weed by definition :)


Active Member
im doubting the eclipta diagnosis. I mean to tell from those set of pics and to identify it as a plant that is grown as an annual tropical plant indigenous to India, China, Korea and Thailand. It, however, can also be found growing abundantly in many other places of the world, as Brazil, Japan, and Australia.
The herb prefers much moisture and full or partial sun; thus it grows best in the warm climatic regions with much rainfall. It prefers poorly drained medium (loamy) soils.
That strikes me as odd if he just found it in his pot plant in America... It's not weed that's for sure but I'm still doubting the theory of eclipta... hell its probably just some random weed that we can't id yet.


I found that interesting too it lead me to this A Modern Herbal Home Page Herbal cures have been around a long time I wonder how many have been processed into pharmacueticals?

probably alot more than you think.... aspirin is the most widely known.. (from willow bark)... i am into all of this... actually thinking about becoming a "master herbologist".. hoping to be to the point in five years that i never go see a doctor or take any medications from them; they arent out for your best interests anyway... think about it, if doctors kept you well, they would be out of a job.... most american medicine does nothing to treat the sickness/disease; only to treat the symptoms, leaving your body to do the work itself anyway... fuck doctors:mrgreen:


not enough! if pharmaceuticals actually focused on CURING people, they would lose money because people wouldn't have to take drugs every day for the rest of their lives.

there is alot to be said for herbal medicine... it really works, without all the side effects of pharms.... thats why the fda wont approve anything herbal or natural... unless a pharm. company has extracted it into a pill:roll:


Well-Known Member
what i thought qualified ths was the protective shell, but after a day in the park, i actually find out trees to the same thing, i mean when the wind blew hundreds of those things flew out and man they can travel!

and u said there was a windstorm, i think that's what happened here...........


Well-Known Member
not enough! if pharmaceuticals actually focused on CURING people, they would lose money because people wouldn't have to take drugs every day for the rest of their lives.
Not saying pharmaceutical refinement is bad . . . it simply narrows the curative properties of a plant into a single chemical concentrate. Research on the interaction of plant chemicals and their curative properties is uncommon. We are looking for refinement for manufacture and profit. The problem is PROFIT if pharmaceutical manufacturers work on achieving maximum effectiveness at both delivering and developing drugs they would go out of buisness.

Arises some questions but I doubt many herbal cures could be as effective as their Pharmaceutical counterpart. Cannabis is a good example of a "maverick" in this category people that take Marinol often report that smoking cannabis is more effective at relieving their symptoms. Interesting its almost like Cannabis refuses to be commercialized because it is cheap and available to all. Not in good buisness sense for Big Pharma to advocate legalizing it . . . . Just a thought not a high ass sermon :peace: