Last Resort Resin!


Active Member
Hey guys, for those of you who are reaching the bottom of your bags and smoking the last of your crumbs, or maybe those of you who are sitting around thinking you could maybe do with a fat session... Then we are in the same boat.

Has anyone out there got a good way getting the last of that resin off of plastic bottles? I smoke buckies mainly (bottle in a bucket of water), and well I haven't had a session in a while and I noticed my bottle is ressed up heaps.
I've had a go at getting the resin off but I tend to get a bit of plastic on the flat head screw driver that I'm using. (Tried scizzors but they scrap off plastic too).
I've tried heating the plastic bottle abit to try and get the resin off but it ends up deforming the plastic. Even with steam.
You see the whole goal here is to smoke the resin I scrape off, I've done it before and it gets you nicely baked.

Can anyone offer some tips?