Latex Gloves to buy??


Active Member
Went to a medical suppy to get some latex gloves but they said I need a liscense to buy them. Don't know how to get them since I don't have one??


Well-Known Member
That is very strange. Just go to Walgreens or Home Depot or something ike that. They will sell them to you.


Active Member
It was a joke! duh anyone can buy gloves. I just wanted to see if I got anyone to believe I was that stupid. Smoking pot makes you dumb.... Love And Kisses.. The MasterBlaster Lives................
That is very strange. Just go to Walgreens or Home Depot or something ike that. They will sell them to you.


Well-Known Member
Rockman1 - your post makes you look pretty immature. Are you sure that you're 18 years old as stated you need to be in the terms of conditions for RIU?



actually, its trolling

GTFO of here of you think pot makes you stupid

we dont want you here


Well-Known Member
Wow, you guys really flew ff the handle on this one guys. I didn't exactly find this joke to be hilarious, but it was just a joke guys. This gu is just trying to have a little fun with himself and you guys start berating him and trying to get him kicked off the site. Y'all need to just sit back, take a toke, and enjoy the rest of your day.

to Rockman1 - You totally got me dude. Damn The MasterBlaster, damn him.... (fist shake)


Well-Known Member
no I was not trying to be rude what so ever. but after reading through the posts that he has made, it just all seems a bit childish. But I guess there's always immaturity in all of us. I was just looking out for the site and it's members. It'd be sad if RIU was shut down because we didn't filter the under 18 year olds enough!