Lavender And Avocado


Well-Known Member
the only help i can provide is to say to treat the lavender like cannabis, it did well for me in the same fox farm/perlite mixture slightly moist. they don't bloom until the second year though.

how are you doing the avocados? i've never done one, but i know how. those take a LONG time though.
Thanks! I'm going to do that then, I am going to used my fox farm ocean forest soil for them.
I have tried 3 methods,
1st one being, having the seed with three tooth picks stuck into it, rest on top of a cup with the bottom in the water.
When I did this I did not have success and the seed just turned black all over.

2nd method I have read to thinly slice the top and bottom of the seed, wrap damp paper towels around it (almost like canabis) and let germinate for 3 weeks to a month, this also failed because I checked on the seed 5 days into the process and mold grew on it.

My 3rd method is sticking them in ground, burying them and just watering! haha This will take a month if even successful.


Well-Known Member
*im growing avos.. just stuck the beans straight into the pots and the rest was history ;P

--goodluck with yours


Well-Known Member
I used the tooth pick method to start my scrape the thin layer around the "eye" of the avocado....make sure the "eye" is pointing downwards and make sure to have about half submerged....check daily.......or just drop in a pot of soil.....they are fairly easy to start......just got to be patient...once it cracks the tap root will slowly come out and it will be a while before you will see the first set of leaves........


Okay thanks guys! Your plant looks good man!
I will start mine in both methods again, very excited to get this started. I have success with every other plant I have had except these two