LEAF ISSUE-Opinions?


Active Member
No webbing anywhere, No black spots on back using a 30X magnifier, see no sign of mites on back with mag. I'm growing in soil 2 gallon pots, plants grew bigger tahn I wanted they are no 3 feet tall. Any help or opinions on this leaf condition would help. Thanx


Lighting? how close to do you have them?
Soil Composition?
How have they grown in seedling or veg?
Have your leaves been droopy along with the browning?

Sorry about all the questions, just have to know lol. If I had to guess looks like nutrient burn, plants change in the way they take in nutes so u have to watch them at all times. If nute burn is the case I would get to flushing immediatley!

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Nute burn it seems..
But let me tell you something..
Those little critters are sneaky.
Their not that easy to find,
could be that too.
Just flush your plants and keep an eye out the thrips/mites.

-Nice Ol' Bud


Active Member
They are in a 3.5X3.5 6feet tall grow box. I started with seed from a reputable amsterdam seed bank. They have a 400W (MH during veg) Now a HPS during
flowering, they also have 3 upright 2 foot agrogrow 2 foot cfl for lower lighting.
Temp averages 72 to 82 F! I Used Sunny Girl plant N grow mix comp. humidity averages 30 to 60; My PH average 6.7 I never used any No nuwts as the sunny girl
mix says don't need it, But I added a bloom nuwt with a little Phosphate last week but they were starting this thing before that and I have only used 6.7 PH pure water set
out for 2 days for watering. Leaves are not droopy perse'! I have a 100cfm exhaust to outside on the *400W sun system 2 hood*
I also have a 200 CFM exhaust to outside for added cooling and a 170 cfm intake to change air out when needed. I'm feeling like maybe because I waited to go to flower
(only 6 weeks growing and 2 weeks germ and seedlng)that they grew too tall for the 2 gallon pots so maybe the roots aren't happy-and maybe now are too close to the Sun LOL!
(sun system 400w HPS that is). But with the 100 cfm cooling fan in it's hood I can put my hand within inches with no real burning. and with the other 200 cfm cooling it is always
mantained within an acceptable temp IMO. Not sure what's going on. I'll keep looking for mites but nothing that would show that yet other than the leaves condition. And I only put
well diluted bloom nuwt in once last week so?????????