Leaf question

I have three feminized white widow plants going, each of which seems to have a different personality or temperament.
After about a month of tweaking lights and soil it looks like I finally have something that works.
Photos 1 & 2 show plants that have been going since early January (yeah I know they should be a lot larger, but they've only recently begun to really sustain themselves). Photo 3 is a new seedling that's about ten days old.
I've been trying to take it real easy with nutes, using a half-strength solution of Grow Big on the developing plants and none with the seedling.
My concern is with the plant in photo one, specifically the yellowing of a couple of the lower leaves. She was fed about six days ago, and aside from those bottom leaves seems to be doing pretty well.
Any insights or suggestions you may have to offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry to much about those bottom leaves just make sure to get some side lighting in there just in case of inefficient lighting. How many cfl's do you have in there? As far as the yellowing goes I've had that happen to me almost every time I have grown. This last grow I did didn't have that problem. I think it was because I used mylar for the first time with this last crop. I would try adding some mylar to your grow room, you wuld probaby get the most out of those lights.

Any way your plants look great. Hope this helps, and happy growing. Peace.:bigjoint: