Leaf tip curl...is it the strain?


I have a kush strain that had leaf curl issues that I never resolved...a clone from that plant is doing the same thing growing in soil that other plants are looking healthy in. Can the problem be passed from the mother to a clone? Clone is now 5 weeks and still same? Any thoughts? Using frog brand soil and watering with plain natural rain water....


well if the leaf curl is downwards-claw, then ya its likely that kush strain is nitrogen sensitive. and the clones will be that way too. happy frog is good stuff but if it s out of the bag(not recycled) it s got too much n for the kush. so get yourself some light soil w no additional n, maybe coco based and lighten it up w some additional perlite. that said, even knowing my strain was sensitive the plants are still clawing. less than before. they re in flowering now and have had only rain water. if your stuck w the happy frog, flush as much as you can and add perlite if transplanting is an option.


well if the leaf curl is downwards-claw, then ya its likely that kush strain is nitrogen sensitive. and the clones will be that way too. happy frog is good stuff but if it s out of the bag(not recycled) it s got too much n for the kush. so get yourself some light soil w no additional n, maybe coco based and lighten it up w some additional perlite. that said, even knowing my strain was sensitive the plants are still clawing. less than before. they re in flowering now and have had only rain water. if your stuck w the happy frog, flush as much as you can and add perlite if transplanting is an option.
Thanks...good to know there are sensitive strains. It is the only one doing that, so when I transplant that one I will use your advise with the soil.


my strain ends up smelling like pine sol. viciously strong esp at 6 weeks. light fluffy nugs, but good for head stash and sharing. seeds were 3 yrs old and had to be used, and i got them in trade. i get good flavor and strength from my grows but my weights are not good.


my strain ends up smelling like pine sol. viciously strong esp at 6 weeks. light fluffy nugs, but good for head stash and sharing. seeds were 3 yrs old and had to be used, and i got them in trade. i get good flavor and strength from my grows but my weights are not good.
The curling mother plant is in it's 2nd week of flowering...has a very pungent skunk aroma..the funny thing is all my plants started from the same seeds, then clones, but that curling plant is different....look/smell/taste...I am sure the seeds were identical..they came out of the same bud.


wow 2nd week of flowering and she s stinkin real good. ya lots of folks will pop 5-10 seeds and end up keeping just 1 or 2 for mothers. even w stabilized seeds from good breeders you ll find some variability. in part to personal preference-smell, taste yield, and growing style. w clones i ve had some healthier than others. cool getting to know a strain and enhancing it w tweaks in your growing style.