Leafs have Light round spots


my leafs look healthy except the older ones have little lighter green round spots in the middle of the leaf. Is this a problem or normal.


Active Member
were you spraying the plants with the lights on? how hot does your rm
get. could be heat stress, could be alot of things you have pics?


Well-Known Member
my leafs look healthy except the older ones have little lighter green round spots in the middle of the leaf. Is this a problem or normal.
It sounds like the beginning of a problem. If you can upload a pic or two, it would help.


My camera is too shity to pick up these spots but i do have spider mites and i did spray the leafs under the light. Soo


Umm the spots look more like a rash you would get on skin but in this case the leaf is green and the rash spots are light green. And i think i got rid of the spider mites cuz of my fan blowing them away. Theres a post that says mites dont like constant wind.
Probably just the bugs man, could be that the bugs got what they wanted and then the light took advantage of it. id say if you got the bugs taken care of and dont stress her too much you should be fine.:bigjoint:


ill let you know how it goes it still seems to be going strong leaf tips are staight and leaf steams are going upward. So other than this problem it seems to be going well..


Well-Known Member
Keep a sharp eye out, it seems unlikely that just a fan would get rid of your spider mite problem.


Still seems to be coming strong i can still see a couple when i put water on the soil but they fly away because the fan wind is to strong. How long does it take for spidermites to destroy a plant?