Leave no Trace...

Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
In light of folks getting seed etc... intercepted by customs, I'm going to outline a plan for ordering all manner of seeds, spores equipment etc... without a signifigant risk or paper trail. It does require proper planning and investigation of the companies you'll deal with.

It hinges on Pre-paid credit cards and/or travellers checks and a Hotel.

You'll need to arrange overnight or express shipping from your sources. Call ahead to see if it's possible.

You check in to a local hotel (you don't actually have to stay there) - look like you're on buisness. Explain you forgot some items and your company is having some things shipped, would the front desk sign for packages?"

Get your room, call in all your orders listing the hotel and room number for address. Again, get express shipping, pay the extra.

Collect your packages at the desk in a day or 2.

Everything gets paid for with pre-paids.

I realize it's extreme and expensive, but if you have enough volume or go in on the deal with several friends, it might be worth it.

If you're paranoid enough. :shock:

You probably should be. :sad:


Well-Known Member
Although this plan would probably work. I can certainly think of other cheaper ways of doing it as well, if the grow is as big as you suggesting.

BTW...You forgot to mention that some pre-paids need a social security number to activate them. And it can be verified at activation time.