Leaves Cupping


Strain = Easy Bud Auto Fem from RQS.
Medium = Soil
Lights = 2 100W CFL

As you can see from the images the leaves on the top just below the top bud are like how I say cupping up.

What could be the cause of that?

Sorry about image quality it's the best I can do.




Well-Known Member
Edges cupping up can be heat related. I can't really see that in your photos. Looks to me like they don't like their dirt or maybe fed too early.
Yeah this plant is absolute crap. Guess the age go on? lol

I was using tap water but I think it is to hard or too much chlorine or something anyway I now use volvic mineral water hoping that will help her. it's ph is 7 but man I am well disappointed in Easy Bud Auto from RQS. Then again maybe it's just disapointed in me coz im a noobb grower stoner lol.


Well-Known Member
My first grow many moons ago looked similar. I quickly learned that you can't grow this plant well in just any old soil. Water quality is very important as well but I really think your soil mix is off and that is where I would focus on improving for your next go around.
Yes it's actually my second grow at Easy Bud and it's the same soil formula from the shops. Bog standard cheap shit with nutes added and bits of wool, stones, wood, charcoal and all the other crap. Peat too I think. The first one I grew last year was a little better I got one nugg off it lol but to be fair I had to pull it early due to paranoia lol. It is in a room with the window open all the time during daylight then closed at night maybe it's during the night when the windows closed makes it worse and I do not have a fan either.

I will keep her going until she either dies or produces some more bud, she is showing sex, she is forming the top bud and some under the top nodes but I still have no frosting crystals yet which I noticed appeared quite quickly during early budding in the last run. It's the same seed batch pack of 3 from RQS however the seeds are not the biggest. I read bigger seeds are usualy stronger and healthier.
Look at the state of it today, she has well drooped. The attached photographs attached are not great quality but you get the idea. I PH tested it it's 6.8 heat is 23 degrees in my box. I think it is done for rite? I mean it's an auto it will not have time to recover now. I will still leave it until it either dies or gives me 1 joint lol.

I am absolutely not happy about this.

Any further feedback?


It was around 22 degrees centigrade. Anyway does not matter now It got worse so I just pulled it' It was 5 weeks old and 3 inches tall that was a poor plant it is an auto so it did not have any time to recover. Game over for that. Next strain I attempt will need to be something different and well I will need to get better soil and a plastic pot rather than a clay pot. Anyway just another learning curve no biggy.