leaves curling down

filter funker

Active Member
Leaves are curling down on most of my plants. They are between 7-10 days old (since breaking soil). The sativa's leaves are nice and perky but for some reason the indica's are all curling under. My room temps stay between 22-24, humidity between 40-60%. All water is ph'd at 6.8, Soil is at a neutral 7. The soil i'm using is sterile peat mixed with perlite and vermiculite (50/25/25). I have a plant in the same grow space that has no drooping and is growing about an inch a day. I use a moisture meter and only water when the pots feel light and the top half inch of the soil feels dry. Usually every 3-4 days. Not using any nutes yet on the nubes. I have a turbine style fan oscillating over the plants from about 3 feet away with a turbine exchanging air into and out of the room, the room is about 10x10. There is a window in the room that opens to the outside but I live literally 5 minutes from the ocean in a rainforest and the outside humidty gets as high as 97%! So what iv'e been doing is pulling air into the room from the house and exchanging the houses air once per day.
The room feels comfortable to me wearing a t-shirt. I don't find it overly hot, chilly or humid.
For lighting i'm using three sunblaster t5's rated at 4700 lumens a peice. They are placed about 1 1/2 inches above the plants. All of the plants have shown new growth daily and are very green, i'd just like to catch anything early if there's something i'm missing here...This is my first grow... Could it just be that the plants are working on the root system right now and that is why they drooping?

Alaskan ice

Kilimanjaro (100% sativa, same medium, watering cycle lighting and grow space, no dropping leaves)

Herijuanaxthunderfuck F1 cross @ 3 weeks ( was stunted at the start but is now taking off after repotting)

Sexxxy Beast

Active Member
Im no expert but I believe its still over watering, My buddy who grows says that plants that young barely need to be watered weekly. 3-4 days maybe pushing it. Id allow it to try some more. If that doesnt work, then your under watering it. Plants of that size are very sensitive.

filter funker

Active Member
Im no expert but I believe its still over watering, My buddy who grows says that plants that young barely need to be watered weekly. 3-4 days maybe pushing it. Id allow it to try some more. If that doesnt work, then your under watering it. Plants of that size are very sensitive.
thanks for the info, i'm pretty sure that it's not underwatering, whats throwing me off is that the Sativa's I have growing have perky leaves and the indica's/hybrids are all dropping except for the more mature plant that I have. Like I said, I only water when the pot is light, the top of the soil is dry to about 1/2" and just slightly moist past then. What i'm thinking is that maybe it's not my waterinc cycle but HOW MUCH water i'm giving them at a time. I water until I see a slight runoff and then stop, which usually equals about a cup of water. I tried giving them a bit less water this time around, I'll post some more pics in a few days...

strain stalker

New Member
...overwatering, don't water until the pot is dry, not light. Wait until the plant begins to wilt, then water. The trick here is to learn to water the day before they wilt....good luck.

filter funker

Active Member
...overwatering, don't water until the pot is dry, not light. Wait until the plant begins to wilt, then water. The trick here is to learn to water the day before they wilt....good luck.
thanks, good thing is that i'm home almost 24/7 so I can monitor closely. I'll let them dry out a bit more this time around and see if that helps... anything I can do in the meantime? I don't want them to get root rot ect, what about raising temps a few degrees (27c) to help them dry out a bit quicker...


Well-Known Member
...sounds good, just don't get them too hot, might go hermie....got a dehumidifier?
Overwatering 99% inproper dranage probally. soggy soil at bottom of pot
lmao cant turn them hurmy yet..that happens during stress in the flower stage. and usually light stress not heat stress.