leaves curling under


Well-Known Member
So my little girl has been in flower for about 2 weeks now and her new fan leaves all seem to curl down and under (kinda like a taco) I looked around the plant problem sticky and couldn't find anything about it, is this a defficency? Or something else...I can get pics if needed, thanks in advance


Active Member
a picture would help but at a guess it could be over watering if curled down at end or if its whole leaf ive had that when changing humidity into flower. what is your humidity and watering schedule. its not 2 serious and easy fix. put up a pic just to be sure.


Active Member
So my little girl has been in flower for about 2 weeks now and her new fan leaves all seem to curl down and under (kinda like a taco) I looked around the plant problem sticky and couldn't find anything about it, is this a defficency? Or something else...I can get pics if needed, thanks in advance
we need pics or else its like living in a box in china and saying what the weather will be like in spain without looking


Active Member
I use a bubble drip EcoGrower system and I see that a lot. I run the bubbler 24 / 7 and most times they bounce back but when it becomes a serious issue I pull back on the water for about 6-12 hrs and restart. Has anyone ever seen charted studies on the amount of oxygen put into the actual water itself as it runs down the root system? If bubblers do what they say, and insert high amts of oxygen, theoretically over watering shouldnt occur. But that what that sounds like. Are youin soil, or doing hydro? Either way ease back on the watering sched maybe and see if she responds.


Well-Known Member
I too am currently having problems with 'Claw' leaf and according to my research; it can be attributed to a number of things. The first and foremost is in proper air exchange, followed by under watering, then possibly a zinc deficiency and could be a sign of nutrient lockout due to fluctuations in PH.
In my situation, I believe it is due to improper air exchange during the 'off' period of my cabinet. I noticed the fan never comes on and the air just sits in there being moved slightly around by a little fan. I have ordered a fan to move the warm air from my veg cabinet into the flower cabinet in hopes of kicking on the main fan.
I was wondering on what was an acceptable nighttime temperature so that I can turn down the controller and perhaps kick the fan on more during the night period. Currently the box sits at 76 degrees night and day. You can also tell that the plant is lacking in resin production as it quickly disappears soon after it appears. :(