Leaves folding like a V shape


Well-Known Member
you have a very strong sativa plant there, most photos you will see are indica plants which are shorter stubbier leaves.
i suspect you have what is described as clawing, or clawing up, which is one of the first signs of nute burn.
if you have the tools, check your PH and your EC/PPM. or else just go straight to flushing them out with clean water.
expect a very long flowering period with those plants, 12-14 weeks, and expect some of the most awesome mind numbing trippy weed you have ever smoked :)


Active Member
you have a very strong sativa plant there, most photos you will see are indica plants which are shorter stubbier leaves.
I suspect you have what is described as clawing, or clawing up, which is one of the first signs of nute burn.
If you have the tools, check your ph and your ec/ppm. Or else just go straight to flushing them out with clean water.
Expect a very long flowering period with those plants, 12-14 weeks, and expect some of the most awesome mind numbing trippy weed you have ever smoked :)
i check my ph but i dont check the soil ph should i be doing this? Im at 800ppm why so long to flowing?


Well-Known Member
flowering time is based (as well as other things) on the strain.
you have a long flowering strain
dont panic, the wait is worth it

as well as PH you need to check the EC which basically means how much stuff is in the water/soil. if you have perfect ph nutes but too much its just as bad as bad ph nutes if that makes sense.