Leave's Folding like taco's, Purple Stems, Now wilting?


Well last night i watered my plants the soil was dry as can be i thought i was over watering them so i waited a bit before i watered them... So i wake up this morning and my plants are now all droopy last night the leaves where pointed out and looked completly healthy currently they are in Ryder cups i need to transplant them because they are def too big for the cups. Im completly in aw by these plants they have had problems from the get go, i built a stinkbud aero system that im ready to just use that because im sick of figuring out wtf is wrong with these guys..... I moved the healthiest one into it last night and it also took a turn a few bottom leaves curled and crisped up at the tips they curved inwards the ppm is only 450, its 5 gallons of water and i only mixed nutes for 1 gallon so i wouldn't kill teh bitch !.. I can take some pictures around 7pm EST when my lights turn back on in the room. But any ideas ?


ya its weird because my ph is perfect my temps are 75-80 lights on, and 65-70 lights off so im not sure what it could be ts no parasites, no bugs... Im using fox farm dirt and technaflora nuts at half strength at water water fert.