Leaves look dark purple and are dry...


Active Member
Hello growers!

I am 5th week of flower with some caveman OG.. the temps are 70, the PH is 5.5 and there is plenty of room to go in the UC system for the roots... I have been battleing mites..... The caveman turned purple real early.. the leaves got dark green then purple.. almost black... they started cupping downwards... they have looked just fine.. no nutrient burn etc... well I grabbed a fan leaf to take a look at it and it is completely dry.... It just crumbled in may hand... I checked the alien og, the diable og and the diamond... all of them are starting to do the same... the humidity is 45.... any thoughts on this?


Active Member
Post a picture os we can get a close look. If you show picture we can give a accurate answer to help your issue,

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
I don't do hydro, but shouldn't your Ph be higher than that by the 5th week of flower? Clawed leaves can be caused by too low a Ph, amongst other things.



Well-Known Member
dont take my word for it, but if they look healthy some plants leaves naturally change colors... I have one with all purp leaves like that and its healthy as can be...


Well-Known Member
ya...what strain? looks like it is supposed to be that color. also looks like your PH may be off a bit.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Great pics finally Donut! Well you seem to have good bud structure and excellent resin production for 5th week of flower. The only problem I see is some clawing of the leaves. I'm a soil guy, and if I saw that in my garden I'd say they got over-watered or maybe the Ph is a bit low, but prob just an over-watering. With hydro I don't know what to say other than that they don't look that bad at all!