leaves turning yellow/brownish


So my plants are a couple weeks old under four 26 watt 6500k cfls. Lighting is on 24/0. They were doing great up untill this morning. They're starting to yellow and brown and edges are curling. Ffof soil and haven't used nutes or anytthing. Use just tap water which is from a well. Temps are are between high 70's and low 80's Any ideas? I tried searching but didn't find anything. I hope the picture works. Only one I have right now.

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Active Member
3 things... possibly getting 2 big for cups, and should consider transplanting, also I would turn my light time down to at least 20/4, darkness can be healing for plants, even if only for a little bit. Last, don't over water... wait until they are dry and crusty like on top, and dry about 2 inches down.

Hope this helps... Merry Christmas


thanks captbooyah. its just weird that they were all doing fine and then they all started doing this at the same time. before when i watered them the cups would be completely dry by the next day, but its almost as if they stopped drinking. the cups are still wet/heavy. ive pretty much written them off at this point, but anyone else have any input? something to change next time?


i'm not that experienced but it might be the tap water having extra salts and nutrients because ffof is high in nutes but i did fine with my seedlings had sum nute burn from the leaves touching the ff

sorry to hear hope you have better luck next grow i'm not sure there is much you can do now but start over and boil ur water next time a few days before


Active Member
Transplant!?!? I really think their root systems must be all the way to the bottom... if it cant grow anywhere, it will die. Your roots can curl at the bottom because of limited space, which can ultimately cause nute lock out... And kill your baby... Give them a new, bigger home, and see if they perk back up. Also, grab a gallon of distilled water or something... Is your well run through a water softener??? Well water can have crap tons of iron in it (which the plants only need in micronute amounts)...


Active Member
Woah! Hold on there cowboy. They are not rootbound, or having outgrown those cups. I got plants to 2 and a half feet in those same sized party cups. Do you have drainage holes cut in the bottom? I always cut drainage in the bottom of mine, and put some inert clay pellets in the bottom, works like a charm.

You issue he is that you are not using nutes. That's it. I had the same issue until I got nutes. You wait until this exact situation starts, then you hit them with a 25% nute solution and work your way up slowly to a 75% and stick at that, don't go higher. When I wait until they just start to yellow, and do the nutes, mine tend to shoot up 1-2 inches that very night. Its amazing. With nutes you can get some amazing plants.

Plants can get pretty insane if taken care of, even just in plastic party cups. For my grow journal, if you check it out, the first posts of the smaller plants were taken the day after I took them out of party cups. They took right to the new pots and did not suffer from root bound issues.


Active Member
Oh, it also may be over watering if you dont have drainage. I just saw the newer pics and its probably a mix of no nutes and over watering. Poke some drainage holes. I water my cups 2-3 times a day with a thin layer of water. Hardly any really,but I compulsively check my plants, so watering them just a smidgen every couple of hours isnt very hard.


Active Member
Oh, it also may be over watering if you dont have drainage. I just saw the newer pics and its probably a mix of no nutes and over watering. Poke some drainage holes. I water my cups 2-3 times a day with a thin layer of water. Hardly any really,but I compulsively check my plants, so watering them just a smidgen every couple of hours isnt very hard.
Over watering is very easy to do... You have to be diligent to let them drink the water they have a dry out slightly b4 you water again...


Well-Known Member
So my plants are a couple weeks old under four 26 watt 6500k cfls. Lighting is on 24/0. They were doing great up untill this morning. They're starting to yellow and brown and edges are curling. Ffof soil and haven't used nutes or anytthing. Use just tap water which is from a well. Temps are are between high 70's and low 80's Any ideas? I tried searching but didn't find anything. I hope the picture works. Only one I have right now.

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looks like ph issue maybe caused from your water. you might have to adjust it before watering.


Thanks for all the input guys. I really don't think its root bound and as far as the whole nute thing goes, my last grow I had two bag seed plants that I used no nutes and never once checked the ph and they grew fine right up till harvest.

The cups did have holes for drainage too.


Well-Known Member
As buds said, looks like a ph problem. Maybe nute lockout due to ph. If you dont have a meter use can use a ph test kit from walmart,home depot.....etc.


Active Member
Did you use the same soil as the time they went all the way through fine? I know some people supplement there soil with things before potting it. I never heard of them not having any issues though without some form of nutes helping out at least part of the way. Weed eats a lot, if you feed it, it will become nice and fat for yo' dinner. Don't be afraid to let them eat a little of your house.


i used miracle grow last grow and i know that has some nutes in it already. but from what ive read on here, the fox farms ocean forest should have been fine without nutes for longer than two weeks. am i wrong? cause if that's the case then ill probably go out and get some nutes this week. i just figured i had a little longer.


I think if you use foxfarm OC/f alone it will burn your plants, or some strains depends, but i would use about 50% foxfarm Oc and 50 lit worrior orr something like that hopes this help you bud


thanks raymoe. you know i thought i saw something somewhere about the burn with the ocean forest...anybody else have any input?


It was just fox farms. I've been trying to figure out what I can add to the soil. What benefit does the extra perlite have?


Active Member
It provides drainage and aeration for the plants roots... a lot of people go 75% FFOF and 25% perlite in the mix... and if you buy it from a garden store, its pretty cheep and lasts a really long time... But make sure you rinse the dust out of it (try not to breathe to much in bc its basically rock dusk from after it was baked). Hope this helps your babies.

some people also put a small layer of rocks or perlite at the very bottom to provide better drainage, but u r in cups, so that is probably unnecessary


Thanks captbooyah for the quick responses. Id give you rep but I don't really know how haha. And that katt williams quote in your sig is funny. Just watched the stand up of it last night.