LED test grow

Do you think the LED's will produce decent bud in the end?

  • Better than HPS, lives up to the hype..

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Active Member
So I finally broke down and had an LED light built and I am giving it a test. I am currently testing a 250 watt Quad band panel with 2 watt diode's. I have actually grown these two plants from seed using only this LED light since the first sign of a seedling. So basically I didn't even treat the little babies nice in the beginning as the humidity was none existent and it wasn't over 74 degrees in there. So I will say that the first 2 weeks of seedling growth is pretty slow and then boom, it takes off. The pictures below show 2 plants grown from seed. The larger one has been really vegging now for 3 weeks. I also had removed all the lower growth on it already. I can tell you that the internode spacing is extremely tight. I can't beleive how short the plants are for how long they have been under the lights respectively. But even the smaller one which has only been in there for around a week now, maybe a few days longer and it already las 6 sets on nodes and it is just a few inches tall.. Pretty impressed so far. The real test will be flowering!! The strain is Chem Reaper.. I am going to journal this from start to finish and see what I can get yield wise. I think I will top the larger one to get this to branch out. I would say right now though that this would be a great strain for SOG.. Just not sure how tall it will grow.. I am going to germ two more seeds, veg under MH and then flower under HPS and compare the results. I will get those guys started in a few weeks. I don't have the room for them right now. So the dude I spoke to from Stealth LED was saying that he gets .82 grams per watt.. I would love to put that to the test.. If I can pull 8 oz off of one vegged out plant I will be very happy. Especially with the cost to run this thing being nothing. I have another one coming that I had built with 3 watt Diodes (600 watt) and that is what I will try and flower with probably. If I can pull a pound or more off of these 2 plants using LED's, I will be beyond sold. As long as the quality is there. At the end of the day it still has to pass quality control. We shall see...

Sorry I just noticed I stuck a picture of a plant not growing under LED.. The one that is obviously a shot of something flowering..



Well-Known Member
LED's are ok for veg... but I have yet to see a harvest to brag about from using them... I used LED's for a short time (a week or two) and then threw them in a box and put up my shop lights again...just didn't personally like the results. Good luck and it looks like you got a decent plant there.. how old.. month?


Sector 5 Moderator
I've done experiments with LED's too and I found out the same thing that Cowell said; LED's are great for veg, especially the blue ones, but not so good for flowering.


Active Member
I absolutely agree.. I hold a bit more promise with flowering just because I am using hower power chip sets than the traditional 1 watt. The 1 watts really suck... I guess I will know conclusively when I flip the lights.. I was going to hold off and really veg these 2 for a bit to see how effective the LED's are at flowering a bushy plant so I can see how the top colas compare to the rest.. Only time will tell but I am with you both on expectations.. They aren't very high.. I would love it if they are effective as I can't imagine being able to grow without crazy power bills and dealing with heat.. I guess we will no for sure soon enough!!


Well-Known Member
sounds good, I'll keep my eye on your grow... I did have the old shitty LED's, and they did ok for veg.. I was surprised how well they did work, not as good as my fluorescents.. but again, they were like gen2 LED's. The results you have right now are really impressive compared to the ones I've seen.. so they might be getting closer to an LED set up that you can actualy do something with....do you have a journal going on it?

EDIT: never mind, I found it.. subscribed.


Active Member
Yeah I am pretty happy right now, but I am still not confident that it will do the job in flower. I just got done reading Ed Rosenthal's new book and he has a good section on LED's and he is really on board with them. Same thing at Oaksterdam University now.. They are all about LED's. The plants they grow for class are actually grown under the new Stealth LED panels.. So maybe these new quad band higher power configurations will work.


Well-Known Member
I did know that they grow under LED at oaksterdam.. saw a documentary and it had a bit about them and I saw their grow tent.
it would be nice.. I'd like to drop the $400 hydro bills...