LED too close for seedlings?

Po boy

Well-Known Member
after tiring of years of adjusting cfl's i thought a led just for the veg might reduce my light work.
Mars has "Old Style" led lights in 300w for $83 so i bought one. i've been keeping the lights 24" above the top of the plants, as recommended by Mars, and after two weeks the seedlings look ok, just stunted. the space between the 1st and 2nd nodes it too tight compared to what i'm used to. do you think my lights are too close?


Well-Known Member
after tiring of years of adjusting cfl's i thought a led just for the veg might reduce my light work.
Mars has "Old Style" led lights in 300w for $83 so i bought one. i've been keeping the lights 24" above the top of the plants, as recommended by Mars, and after two weeks the seedlings look ok, just stunted. the space between the 1st and 2nd nodes it too tight compared to what i'm used to. do you think my lights are too close?
Don't mind the troll above. This sub forum is for the holier-than-thou DIY-ers, post your question here: http://rollitup.org/f/marijuana-plant-problems.65/ for advice from mj growers instead of epeen growers. Include a pic if you can.


Well-Known Member
holy crap man just let it go people are sick of you showing up all the time with the same nothing to say shit
If you need to use my name to get likes go ahead.I need the hate lol


744w for a 4x8 and the room is 76f right now no ac. My lights so bright my black skin looks white REAL talk.


Well-Known Member
It's just every little bit of anything you think is directed at you, your just a clown. ...people like you are the reason nobody believes led works
I'm done with you. You don't have any contributions to this site. I might b a prick to assholes like you but I help and I have guys butt hurt from me defending the Mars led lights. Don't be confused from the visual mind play from my avatar.Some of you guys I fucking laugh my ass off. You that lame? I haven't once been pissed off. But for some reason I'm pissed hahahahaha


Active Member
Off topic @REALSTYLES: You contribute and help, even Ray and Stevie can see that, so there's no need to proof or defend yourself. Laughing your ass off lol is only gonna get straight back at yourself, just ignore the haters and focus on your loads of positive contributions. Please.

On topic: Like Sativied said: "Include a pic if you can", a picture is worth a thousand words.