LED veg, HPS flower

Colder months will be here soon where I live so I typically switch to 600W HPS for the heat benefit with my crop. However, its still pretty warm here and I'd also like to get the energy savings from my A51 XGS190. Has anyone vegged under LED & switch to HPS for flower? How did it work? Any impact on sativas versus indicas?


Well-Known Member
veg with led and flower with both. you will get better results t han just hps alone.

switching from led to hps there will be a spectral transition just like switching from mh to hps. If switching lighting. Imo its best to use the flowering lighting the last 2 weeks of veg so theres no spectral transition going into flower. I try to use the same spectrum or close to the same spectrum in both veg and flower. Like the sun. The suns spectrum never changes. Only the distance changes.