LED- yay or nay


Well-Known Member
Whats up rollitup! So how good are these leds? Im looking to upgrade from a 400w mh/hps light system and i wanted to see how you all felt about the led.


Well-Known Member
that would be a big NAY. your hid lights are far superior to led. you'd have less heat with the leds but i have yet to see anyone demonstrate good yield with them

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Nay - never tried them myself, but whenever people mention panels of led's they've seen on ebay everyone says they're not worth it or strong enough...

CFL grow lights are good though - just using a single 125-watt ebay light in my little cupboard now with what is looking like good results!

(I only used 2 20-watt and 1 23-watt spirally CFLs last time and got a q off each plant...not only that but I've been told it was good stuff from people who I've never even met)


Well-Known Member
Nay, at least for the time being. Shouldn't be long now until LEDs are a serious competitor to HIDs, but at the moment, there's no competition.

Watch this space though. :-P


Well-Known Member
Ok, sweet.. i was just checking, i like the mh/hps but they do tend to heat and use a lot of energy.. thanks