
Well-Known Member
ENOUGH with the threads asking if LEDs are any good. The answer is no. It will always be no. It will NEVER be yes. SEARCH FOR LED THREADS BEFORE ASKING AGAIN!
Wow. I can't wait for the day you eat these ignorant words. LED and other HID alternative technologies have already progressed in leaps and bounds. New breakthroughs are here, and more are on the way. I have seen threads ( not on this site ) that showed AMAZING results. The only drawback is the expensive cost of the setup. The price WILL come down, and HIDs will be a thing of the past. I am not saying tomorrow or in 2 months, but much sooner than most people think.


Well-Known Member
I just planted some seeds and the seedlings are wilting and yellow, When can i harvest? Whats the earliest i can give her the snip without sacraficing potency. thanks :)
Wow. I can't wait for the day you eat these ignorant words. LED and other HID alternative technologies have already progressed in leaps and bounds. New breakthroughs are here, and more are on the way. I have seen threads ( not on this site ) that showed AMAZING results. The only drawback is the expensive cost of the setup. The price WILL come down, and HIDs will be a thing of the past. I am not saying tomorrow or in 2 months, but much sooner than most people think.
yea i found each led light adds a gram so 500 0r more wil yield 500 grms the red led are good 4 flowering


New Member
Wow. I can't wait for the day you eat these ignorant words. LED and other HID alternative technologies have already progressed in leaps and bounds. New breakthroughs are here, and more are on the way. I have seen threads ( not on this site ) that showed AMAZING results. The only drawback is the expensive cost of the setup. The price WILL come down, and HIDs will be a thing of the past. I am not saying tomorrow or in 2 months, but much sooner than most people think.
Link them. Show me the amazing led grows. No really, I will be suscribed to this thread until you link me to the "AMAZING RESULTS"


Well-Known Member
Well, You could have been less of a prick, but here's some reading and pictures for you:

Cogi's LED experiment - Reefer World

Growing Marijuana with LED, Growshow

The one I am really trying to find is the one where a guy used the UFO lights for his SOG. He actually grew really good smoke with a much better yield than what you see on the LED.EU site - the only thing was the LED setup he used costs 1800 dollars right now- I believe it was 3 x 600 dollar UFOs. I can't find it for the life of me. I think it might be one of the links from overgrow that are mentioned in the first link. OG dosen't work anymore so good luck with that.

I could of sworn that there was a link here on RIU to the UFO grow, I can't be the only person that saw it. And I know it exists. I will take another look when I have time.

But LEDs are the wave of the future.


Well-Known Member
Is this suppossed to intstill confidence that leds can grow bud?

^^ This is after 8 weeks of flowering ^^ also you can see he used 3 watt Crees the best leds out.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully someone will read this and post a link to that UFO grow. It is way better than that.Nobody is saying that LEDs have evolved enough yet to be used on the scale that HIDs are.

They are headed in that direction, and headed there fairly quick. Even the modest led.eu grow should inspire people to be open-minded. Of course the buds aren't as fat as they could be. But if you consider the benefits that LEDs have, and that they are still in the Alpha stage as far as the growing technology goes, it is both impressive and inspiring.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully someone will read this and post a link to that UFO grow. It is way better than that.Nobody is saying that LEDs have evolved enough yet to be used on the scale that HIDs are.

They are headed in that direction, and headed there fairly quick. Even the modest led.eu grow should inspire people to be open-minded. Of course the buds aren't as fat as they could be. But if you consider the benefits that LEDs have, and that they are still in the Alpha stage as far as the growing technology goes, it is both impressive and inspiring.
I AGREE they will be great technology if, they get the funding they ever need to evolve to that point. I just cringe when I see modern LED tech being bought with the hopes it will grow marijuana.

Its pretty much simple and plain as day to see they are in Alpha, and not near ready enough to do the JOb they are being marketed as. So why do people keep buying into this?

What I think will be the day that LEDS are great and ready is when 1 Led can equal a modest CFL in intensity and ability, a feat that I can prove mathmatically is still a few years away.

However if you compare them to HID, and needing to replace HID light (a single source point of light), then NO LEDS, are not going to be able to accomplish this feat theoretically never or within 50 years.


Well-Known Member
ganjagoddess.... are you going to start a journal on that new grow when you get it up and running. I'm interested in coco, purrdy pwease?


Well-Known Member
I AGREE they will be great technology if, they get the funding they ever need to evolve to that point. I just cringe when I see modern LED tech being bought with the hopes it will grow marijuana.

Its pretty much simple and plain as day to see they are in Alpha, and not near ready enough to do the JOb they are being marketed as. So why do people keep buying into this?

What I think will be the day that LEDS are great and ready is when 1 Led can equal a modest CFL in intensity and ability, a feat that I can prove mathmatically is still a few years away.

However if you compare them to HID, and needing to replace HID light (a single source point of light), then NO LEDS, are not going to be able to accomplish this feat theoretically never or within 50 years.
I agree with you, but I guess I have more faith in the evolution of the LED. The only part of this thread I have a problem with is that the OP said LEDs will NEVER be good. If LEDs ( or the next evolution - HILED, PLED) get to the point where they are as commonly used as CFLs, that would be a huge leap. A leap that I guess I feel is coming quicker than you do.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you, but I guess I have more faith in the evolution of the LED. The only part of this thread I have a problem with is that the OP said LEDs will NEVER be good. If LEDs ( or the next evolution - HILED, PLED) get to the point where they are as commonly used as CFLs, that would be a huge leap. A leap that I guess I feel is coming quicker than you do.
Do either of you find it ironic that you are having an argument about LED's in a joke question thread?


whats up with all the drama lately??? is everyone dry?? calm down and lets all help each other grow rather than baggin and bullshittin all day.


Active Member
halogen lights are one of the most usless spectrum lights you could possibly use, metal halide for veg HPS for flower thats what i use and all ill ever use!!!!!
led lights are good i find for veg if power consumption is an issue, but for flower i find they cant compare to 1000 watt HPS. just my opinion and really what do I know anyways!!


New Member
Wow. I can't wait for the day you eat these ignorant words. LED and other HID alternative technologies have already progressed in leaps and bounds. New breakthroughs are here, and more are on the way. I have seen threads ( not on this site ) that showed AMAZING results. The only drawback is the expensive cost of the setup. The price WILL come down, and HIDs will be a thing of the past. I am not saying tomorrow or in 2 months, but much sooner than most people think.

By the time this happens, the arabs will have nuked all our major cities, the economy will have long since collapsed, America will be a nuclear fallout zone, and the sun will be on the verge of burning out...


Well-Known Member
whats up with all the drama lately??? is everyone dry?? calm down and lets all help each other grow rather than baggin and bullshittin all day.

The site has been full of bitterness, and people who just want to talk shit or knock what you say. Seems like sometimes people already have an argument before even reading your full post.
I was recently attacked by sombody on this forum over a simple water cooled fixture, i was then accused of being affiliated with the company selling the fixture, simply because i suggested it.
Not to mention all the paranoid people who think sombody is a cop just cause its a stupid question..... I didnt know this site attracted so may kids.