Leftys First Indoor cfl/400w Hps Closet/Tent Grow


Well-Known Member
Day 22/23 since planted

Day 11 of 12/12

They are getting big. And still no major issues. Today I watered the biggest one. I fed her a 1/4 strength solution of fox farms grow big. I have this soil with nutes in it so i am going very slowly with additional nutes. I will def get a diff soil for my next grow after this one.

Big one got some nice pics out of the hps and i measured her for the first time. She is almost 7 inches tall and tons of bushy growth. Still no signs of sex / preflowers on any of them.

The 1 seed of another bagseed i got sprouted and would be interesting to see how it grows versus the others. The seed was from some ok stuff while all the other plants were from some straight chronic. Ok enjoy the pics bongsmilie




Well-Known Member
Day 23/24 since planted

Day 12 of 12/12

The big girl in the back looks good today. Seems to have liked the first feeding of fox farms. I was scared to use the nutes as I have never grown anything in my life. So going very slow.

There is a stunted/dwarf in a red cup. Its the same age as the other 4 and has always been slow and struggled. I gave her a feeding today. She looked yellow and deficient. I am also going to transplant her and see if she can get going. I plan to transplant Tuesday when I get my 1 gallon bags.

Next my smallest of the big 4 has some yellowing of the first set of leaves. Not the seedling ones but the first plant leaves. Think its signs of needing some food. So in a day or 2 when the other 3 need to be watered the will be fed and we will begin the feeding cycle. No signs of sex but I have no clue what I am looking for anyway. I am sure I will know it when i see it. Just never sexed a pllant myself before.

Other than that the plants are all starting to grow fast. Its been a breeze so far. And the smell in lovely. I love it.

Enjoy the pics bongsmilie




Well-Known Member
Day 24/25 since planted

Day 13 of 12/12

Still no signs of sex. The little stunted one i fed yesterday has grown and stretched for the first time in awhile. Can not wait to transplant that one. Hopefully tomm.

The big girl is looking great. Seems to have taken the feeding really well. I went ahead and fed the smallest of the big ones today. She was looking a lil rough and had those first set of leaves yellowing.

Other than that not much has changed. Moved some stuff around and removed the humidifier from the tent to free up space. Ran some duct from the humidifer to the tent with a duct booster fan as intake. Will see how that goes and may just go with out the humidifer all together.

Enjoy the pics bongsmilie




Well-Known Member
Day 25/26 since planted

Day 14 of 12/12

The smallest of the big 4 looks so much better today. Took well to the feeding and clearly was thirsty.

Spotted a gnat yesterday. Have ordered some Gognat to take care of it.

Now some good news in that I have first signs of sex on the big one. Bad news is it looks male. Let me know what you guys think. I will wait to make sure.

Enjoy the pics bongsmilie




Well-Known Member
looking good bro, shame about the male.

keep it up:bigjoint:

Thanks man. Not sure if its a male yet. I have no clue what they each look like at this stage. I have only seen pictures of when they were farther along. But if i think its a male and it indeed does I won't be let down lol. And if it turns out female I get a nice surprise :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
It doesnt look like a male to me, I think it is still too early too tell for sure.
I uploaded a male and female picture to help you out.


Well-Known Member
It doesnt look like a male to me, I think it is still too early too tell for sure.
I uploaded a male and female picture to help you out.
Its hard to tel from the pic i posted but i think its male. 2 of the other big ones are showing signs they are female. But time will tell.

Its very early. And trust me I have no problem being wrong on the male :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Day 26/27 since planted

Day 15 of 12/12

Once again good news and bad news. Good news is I have a confirmed female. And that makes another a female. Pistils yet to show on that one.

So that makes the big one a male. so of 11 plants of different age 2 are female and 1 male. I will keep the male around for a few more days to verify its a male.

So excited. Been alot of work and now I have a verified female. Will take cuttings from lower growth in a week or so.

Plants all liking thew fox farms. Very healthy looking. The small runt was transplanted yesterday to a 1 gallon bag. Lets see how it does.

Enjoy the Pics. Bonus up skirt pics :bigjoint:

Confirmed Female

Likely Female

Grow Room




Well-Known Member
totally, and the fact that you'll be smoking something grown by your own hand. soooooooo rewarding :lol:
I know right.

Mini update. I am no longer sure the male is male. If anything its hermie. At the top I spot pistils. Will try to take pics later if not maybe tomm when the wife helps me take some macros.

And not so sure the second female is female. Not that I think its male but not sure what I think is flowers are. After looking at my confirmed female and the possible female I think its just growth.

One thing I know for sure I have 1 confirmed female. The rest are still unknown. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Just put the girls to sleep. Check them and it looks like all the big ones are female. Pot gods are loving me. So exciting.


Well-Known Member
Day 27/28 since planted

Day 16 of 12/12

Today I can confirm 4 females. I am very happy. The "male" plant looks to be forming pistils out of that "male looking" growth. Might still be hermie but I think its just a messed up preflower. The rest of the small tiny preflowers have pistils and look like the others. So I am calling this a full female for now.

Watered the seedlings in the red cups with 6.5ph water. They were very dry per the water meter and all looking very healthy. Rest of the plants have taken well to the feeding couple days ago and growth is taking off. The big one is now close to 9.5 inches. Couple days ago it was barely 7 inches.

I have seen no other signs of gnats than those 2 i saw couple days ago. Will still spray the Gognats on the soil when I get it.

other than that its going very well. Just waiting on a new fan to finish my exhaust system. I will post pics of the full exhaust when done and close ups of all the plants female flowers once growth gets bigger. Maybe this weekend.

Enjoy the pics :bigjoint:

Here is the garden before hps on.




Well-Known Member
quick update. I got my new inline fan in. And wow it works great. Tjernlund M Series exhaust fans

I got the 4 inch one and now temps are inline and carbon filter is on and working. Pics later of exhaust system.

I took 4 cuttings off of one of the bigger plants. Will post pics of my 4 potential clones later as well.