Leftys First Indoor cfl/400w Hps Closet/Tent Grow


Well-Known Member
Big 4
Day 55/56 since planted
Day 44 of 12/12

1 Gallon bags
Day 39 12/12 from seed

Clones From #3
Day 27 since cutting
Day 21 since rooting

Clone from #2
Day 9 since cutting

So went ahead and decided I will just harvest some of my plants instead of buying more. Free finally lol.

Decided to harvest few buds from whats left of the big hermie and leave the main cola. Quick dried those and the high is very nice. I like the up high. Smoke is very potent and I have yet to test it cured. I have 1 nice size bud curing now.

I think the plants need another 2 maybe 3 weeks to truly be done. The hermie should be enough to keep till than. And if I need more I can pick more side nuggs. The purpose of this is to have weed to smoke. Done or not its time to start harvesting some.

2 of the big 12/12 from seed are taking off. The biggest is set to give at least 2 cuttings today or tomm. I am ready to fill that veg tent up.

Clones doing great. Think I might put the big 2 in flower and leave the recovering burnt one as my mother for that set of pheno's. This way I can get the flower tent full. Plan once we get it going is a harvest every 2-3 weeks. To do that I need to start getting clones in to be the harvets after the 12/12 from seed. Plus not sure how much 12/12 will yield so plans must move forward to make sure I more thasn enough smoke.

Man I am so high and talkative right now its crazy lol. This shit is some nice smoke.

Enjoy the pics. bongsmilie

Flower Tent

Veg Tent




Well-Known Member
isnt not buyin bud awsome:blsmoke:, and i bet that is a tasty nugg
Oh yeah.

The high is real up cause of the early harvest. And very potent. A blunt had me the highest I have been in a long time. Blew me away. :eyesmoke:

I now understand the difference between high and stoned. This shit gets you mad high. I was freaking flying. Can't wait to taste some amber trichs and see how stoned stoned can get now that I have tasted super high :bigjoint:.


Well-Known Member
Big 4
Day 56/57 since planted
Day 45 of 12/12

1 Gallon bags
Day 40 12/12 from seed

Clones From #3
Day 28 since cutting
Day 22 since rooting

Clone from #2
Day 10 since cutting

So went ahead and cut down the big hermie. Have some friends coming up this weekend. we gonna have some fun :eyesmoke:

Moved one of the 22 day old clones to the flower room and took a cutting from #9 and placed her in the veg tent. Wanna see how the clones will do but want to let the other 2 clones grow more before they hit flowering. Will be interesting to see how she grows.

All plants looking good. Having mad fun

Enjoy the pics

Flower Tent

Veg tent



Well-Known Member
Flower Tent
Big 3
Day 58/59 since planted
Day 47 of 12/12

1 Gallon bags
Day 42 12/12 from seed

Clones From #3 in red cups
Day 30 since cutting
Day 24 since rooting
Day 2 12/12

Veg tent
Clones From #3
Day 30 since cutting
Day 24 since rooting

Clones from # 9
Day 2 since cutting

Clones from # 11
Day 1 since cutting

Sorry missed my update yesterday. been a long week and was tired. Plants getting closer to harvest. Think 2-3 weeks at most. Cut more clones and put 2 clones in flower.

Will post pics of the garden later. Instead i want to post pics of the big 3 ladies.

Enjoy the Pics bongsmilie

#2 aka "LIL SHORTY"

#3 with her very dense main cola



Well-Known Member
Flower Tent
Big 3
Day 59/60 since planted
Day 48 of 12/12

1 Gallon bags
Day 43 12/12 from seed

Clones From #3 in red cups
Day 31 since cutting
Day 3 12/12

Veg tent
Clones From #3
Day 31 since cutting

Clones from # 9
Day 3 since cutting

Clones from # 11
Day 2 since cutting

Clones from # 8
Day 1 since cutting

Same old same old guys. Plants doing great. Transplanted the 2 clones in flowering to 1 gallon bags. Took a pick during transplant. can not wait to see what almost 30 days of veg will do with this strain and these phenos.

You will see I tied down/lsted one of the plants. Thats a starin I named "Dirty Sanchez" and is a different strain from all the other plants. It is growing more like a sativa dom and will not be shocked if she takes 12 weeks to flower based on her speed so far. And she will be tall. Already my tallest plant so I tied her down while i could. Bag seed is so much fun :mrgreen:.

Lil shorty or # 1 is finishing fat. She ius swelling and now amber trichs might be 20 or 30 percent. they are turning quick. She might be done earlier than 2 weeks. Took a sater and its trimed and in the dryer box. We see how she smokes before I make any decisions.

Took 2 more clones today and the veg tent is bout full. The grow is not in full swing baby. Soon I will have so much dank smoke it will be crazy. Hash, cannbutter, dank buds this shit is going to be set off up in here(can you tell I am excited, high, and having mad fun?)

leave some comments. And show a brotha some love yall.

Enjoy the pics :bigjoint:

Flower tent

Veg Tent

My first clones getting transplanted

My attempt to show the trichs. You might be able to see the amber ones. Hard to take pics with my 60x or 100x scopes but the 30x jewelers loop is doable just not as close



Well-Known Member
Flower Tent
Big 3
Day 60/61 since planted
Day 49 of 12/12

1 Gallon bags
Day 44 12/12 from seed

Clones From #3
Day 32 since cutting
Day 4 12/12

Veg tent
Clones From #3
Day 32 since cutting

Clone from #2
Day 15 since cutting

Clones from # 9
Day 4 since cutting

Clones from # 11
Day 3 since cutting

Clones from # 8
Day 2 since cutting

Same as before. Buds really fattening up. Trying so hard not to cut them down. My need for weed is wearing on my patience. I cut some lower buds off and have them drying. That should keep me for a few more days. Wanna ,let them main colas do what they can before I cut any down.

clones doing great. Now have figured out how to not let them get all droopy or yellow. The light is further away than I was keeping it and I am misting them frequently. Before i was misting 2 times a day now its every few hrs and up to 4 times a day.

Perpetual in full swing. First harvest is right around the corner. Going real good

Enjoy the pics :bigjoint:

Flower Room

Veg Tent


Well-Known Member
Flower Tent
Big 3
Day 61/62 since planted
Day 50 of 12/12

1 Gallon bags
Day 45 12/12 from seed

Clones From #3
Day 33 since cutting
Day 5 12/12

Veg tent
Clones From #3
Day 33 since cutting

Clone from #2
Day 16 since cutting

Clones from # 9
Day 5 since cutting

Clones from # 11
Day 4 since cutting

Clones from # 8
Day 3 since cutting

Not much to say as usual. Plants all doing well.

Bought my first vaporizer last night. should get it friday. Smoking out a diy one I made and loving it. Can't wait to try the one I bought. i got a easy vape .

Enjoy the pics :bigjoint:

Flower tent

Veg tent




Well-Known Member
Flower Tent
3 Gallon bags
Day 62/63 since planted
Day 51 of 12/12

1 Gallon bags
Day 46 12/12 from seed

Clones From #3
Day 34 since cutting
Day 6 12/12

Veg tent
Clones From #3
Day 34 since cutting

Clone from #2
Day 17 since cutting

Clones from # 9
Day 6 since cutting

Clones from # 11
Day 5 since cutting

Clones from # 8
Day 4 since cutting

Few things in this update.

First I chopped #3. Was going to chop Sunday or Monday for 4/20 but saw a possible male flower so decided might as well chop her. I had already poached a good amount off of her.

Now since I took my 3 min clones from her I am a lil worried. Will keep an eye on them.

Now i would normally be upset but that bud I cut off #2 finally rooted. I have my genetics for the future. So happy. I am the clone master :mrgreen:. I think I can clone anything lol.

Rest of clones looking good so far. Pretty happy with that.

Enjoy the pics :bigjoint:

Flower Tent. Before #3 got chopped.

Veg Tent

#3 all trimmed up.



Well-Known Member
Flower Tent
3 Gallon bags
Day 64/65 since planted
Day 53 of 12/12

1 Gallon bags
Day 48 12/12 from seed

Clones From #3
Day 36 since cutting
Day 7 12/12

Veg tent
Clones From #3
Day 36 since cutting

Clone from #2
Day 19 since cutting

Clones from # 9
Day 8 since cutting

Clones from # 11
Day 7 since cutting

Clones from # 8
Day 6 since cutting

Sorry for the crap update. Plants doing great. Looks like # 2 wants to pump in some more new growth. i think she is just fox tailing. With the trichs turning more amber there is no way shes not almost ready. No big hurry to cut her down yet so just extra weight is fine by me.

# 11 is getting bushy witht he lsting. She will have multiple colas. Very nice for a 12/12 plant if I must say so., Lets see what i can do with her. And how she turns out.

Smoking on # 3 now. Very good high. Just enough couch lock. Got my vaporize. Its freaking insane. And my bud tastes so good. I can taste the sweetness from the molasses. I don;'t weigh my smoke (scales would imply selling and in my area its less of a crime to be growing for personal than for selling and you know they will try to get you for selling if they bust you and find scales) but i would say i got a good 1/2- 3/4 oz off that main colla and probably another 1/4-1/2 oz in side buds I poached. Very happy with my yeild.

Will try to get some new pics up tomm. Camera needs to be charged. I been slacking guys. With all this fresh killa dank can you blame me? :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey man plants are looking great! Good job.:bigjoint:
It looks like you may have some nitrogen deficency with the very light green plants. What kind of nutes are you using?
Your journal is getting better and better with every post. I remember back in early March when you found your very first girl. You have come a long way my friend. Good Luck +rep


Well-Known Member
Nice cola for the phillies! I need to roll one up sometime. I am getting tired of rolling so many grape swishers. There not nearly that thick. That one would last me for about 8 sittings. These little swishers only last me 2-3 sittings. I guess Im getting lazy. Anyways, nice grow bra!


Well-Known Member
Hey man plants are looking great! Good job.:bigjoint:
It looks like you may have some nitrogen deficency with the very light green plants. What kind of nutes are you using?
Your journal is getting better and better with every post. I remember back in early March when you found your very first girl. You have come a long way my friend. Good Luck +rep
fox farms grow big in veg

tiger bloom, big bloom , molasses in flower

They are looking that way from flowering. They are both almost done and #2 I could honestly harvest now. I probably could have hit them harder with veg nutes early to last them better thru flower. The plants right behind those are getting more veg nutes. I am going to slowly push these ladies. See what they can take. Even try some bloom boosters eventually as well.

Thanks for the feedback. bongsmilie I have come very far since that first girl flower :mrgreen:
Nice cola for the phillies! I need to roll one up sometime. I am getting tired of rolling so many grape swishers. There not nearly that thick. That one would last me for about 8 sittings. These little swishers only last me 2-3 sittings. I guess Im getting lazy. Anyways, nice grow bra!
Thanks. Love my blunts. I just got a vaporizer and let me tell you best way to smoke ever. Gets you so damn high with so little weed.

Hey man, Nice grow. Looks like a your ganna have a good harvest.
Thanks. And than another in 4-5 weeks and than another hopefully every 2-4 weeks after that. I want so much weed I have to give it away :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Flower Tent
3 Gallon bags
Day 65/66 since planted
Day 54 of 12/12

1 Gallon bags
Day 49 12/12 from seed

Clones From #3
Day 37 since cutting
Day 8 12/12

Veg tent
Clones From #3
Day 37 since cutting

Clone from #2
Day 20 since cutting

Clones from # 9
Day 9 since cutting

Clones from # 11
Day 8 since cutting

Clones from # 8
Day 7 since cutting

Quick update. Happy Easter everybody. Plants doing well. big 2 getting close to being done. Figure another week maybe less. We will see . 4 of 7 cuttings rooted and other 3 have root bumps and days away from rooting. Once again clone master 100 percent in soil cloning.

Enjoy the pics bongsmilie

Flower tent

Veg tent

#11 aka "Dirty Sanchez" aka the bush. Different strain than the other plants. And this is 12/12 from seed. can not wait to see what she does and what her clones do with 30 days of veg. Lsted her. Should have some nice colas for 12/12




Well-Known Member
Yea, I love my vaporizer too, but still wind up smoking more blunts and bongs though! I guess I need to go back cause its the healthiest way of doing it.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I love my vaporizer too, but still wind up smoking more blunts and bongs though! I guess I need to go back cause its the healthiest way of doing it.
I just enjoy not smoking out my room and upstairs. My wife is not a smoker so its sucks for her. With the vaporizer I can just chill and toke and no smell or smoke. But I still have a bowl I smoke while gaming. It is easier to take a quick bowl hit than use a vaporizer while pawning some nubs on gears :mrgreen:

And I need my evening blunt after dinner bongsmilie