Legal highs

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Not really sure if I'm in the right spot to post this and if I'm not then I'm sorry...

But I know most of you have heard of these legal highs that you buy online.... They say that they have a high somewhat like marijuana.... I don't think they do but I was wanting to know if they have any kind of high??? Any kind of buzz or something...



Well-Known Member
This is just an opinion, but the legal high stuff that is sold is a way for many of these places to sell thier bongs and avoid laws that make it illegal to sell drug paraphenellia.Since they are selling it to smoke "legal" herbs, they can circumvent the whole illegal part of selling bongs and pipes....just my opinion.


Active Member
I have heard that those fake buds for sale in high times work very well mixe with marijuana, but that alone they are a letdown.


Active Member

u hallucinate and shit its crazy but it only lasts 5-10 minutes, and its kinda pricy

but you remain happy with a clear mind for the next day or so


Well-Known Member
This is my first post so be easy on me. i was also wondering about the fake buds and other shit ive seen online but i know of other legal things that while not like trees its more of a way to trip like making an lsa extraction from morning glory seeds or like nicsye and moxtox sed salvia. but when looking for something to just relax and have a weed type high i cant find anything.


Well-Known Member
have you ever tryed Leonotis leonurus ? also known as Lion's Tail, and Wild Dagga. it
give me a feeling of appreciation. it also gets me through the bad saliva trips smoother.
its by no means weed but its nice in its own way.

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
This is my first post so be easy on me. i was also wondering about the fake buds and other shit ive seen online but i know of other legal things that while not like trees its more of a way to trip like making an lsa extraction from morning glory seeds or like nicsye and moxtox sed salvia. but when looking for something to just relax and have a weed type high i cant find anything.
Do you know anything else about morning glory seeds?? I heard of them and my girlfriend has done them but I don't really know anything else about them. If you do then please let me know. Thanks

Thanks everyone for all the help.... Peace to everyone and happy growing....


Well-Known Member
i've never tried the morning glory seed thing but ive read about experiences that people had on them on Erowid. acording to that site morning glory seeds are:

"The seeds of several varieties of Morning Glory (Ipomoea violacea) contain a naturally occurring indole called Lysergic Acid Amide (LSA), which is closely related to LSD. Seeds are taken orally, and can be eaten whole or the active alkaloids can be extracted.

The most common active varieties of seeds are Heavenly Blue, Pearly Gates, and Flying Saucers. Like LSD, LSA acts as a "psychedelic" or "hallucinogen" which can have strong mental effects."

to trip off these i believe you can either just simply eat them or you can extract the lsa from the seeds but since companies coat the seeds with pesticides you have to either get the untreated seeds or wash them.

sites with the extraction: Erowid Morning Glory Vault : FAQ

Erowid Experience Vaults: Morning Glory - Kitchen Chemistry LSA Extraction - 9747

LSA Extraction - Mycotopia Web Forums

i believe the last ones the easiest but your also going to get some nausea.


Well-Known Member
i've never tried the morning glory seed thing but ive read about experiences that people had on them on Erowid. acording to that site morning glory seeds are:

"The seeds of several varieties of Morning Glory (Ipomoea violacea) contain a naturally occurring indole called Lysergic Acid Amide (LSA), which is closely related to LSD. Seeds are taken orally, and can be eaten whole or the active alkaloids can be extracted.

The most common active varieties of seeds are Heavenly Blue, Pearly Gates, and Flying Saucers. Like LSD, LSA acts as a "psychedelic" or "hallucinogen" which can have strong mental effects."

to trip off these i believe you can either just simply eat them or you can extract the lsa from the seeds but since companies coat the seeds with pesticides you have to either get the untreated seeds or wash them.

sites with the extraction: Erowid Morning Glory Vault : FAQ

Erowid Experience Vaults: Morning Glory - Kitchen Chemistry LSA Extraction - 9747

LSA Extraction - Mycotopia Web Forums

i believe the last ones the easiest but your also going to get some nausea.


Active Member
dried lavender flowers are really nice to smoke, its harsh on ur throat but makes u feel really relaxed. also, mullen, and coltsfoot are nice to smoke, they give u a nice buzz.