Lessen Red Eyes From Weed Without Eye Drops?


Well-Known Member
after years of smoking the redeye has gone away for me, cant hide the glassy look


Active Member
sunglasses gets my vote :D the oldest trick though is splashing some cold water into your eyes. Its not like eye drops, but its helps.


Active Member
Drink a hell lot of water. You eyes get red to to dehydration, so drinking about 6-8 glasses of water will do the trick.


Well-Known Member
never really looked into it....just thought it was blood vessels ruptureing and you were bleeding out but eyelid helps massage the eyes so it pushes the blood back in before it spills out...................or could be smoke in your eyes.


Well-Known Member
Eye redness is due to swollen or dilated blood vessels, which cause the surface of the eye to look red, or bloodshot.

There are many possible causes of a red eye or eyes. Some are cause for concern; some are medical emergencies. Others are of no consequence or concern at all. The degree of redness or appearance of blood usually does not correlate to how serious the situation is. It is generally more important whether you also have eye pain or impaired vision.

just the top lines from a the medical site.


Active Member
Drink a hell lot of water. You eyes get red to to dehydration, so drinking about 6-8 glasses of water will do the trick.
what ! no you dont you get red eyes due to the dialation of the little blood capillaries in the whites of the eye
go for the shades or get some munch


Well-Known Member
splashing water in eyes was what I do cause if mine get real red they sting............

edit: I make it worse by rubbing.........but I have a eyedrop script now tha works but he doesnt want to use eyedrops..........so sunglasses to hide em if that is cool for the reason you are doing it or splash water is only way I know of temp relief...........


Well-Known Member
why boycott eyedrops??

ClearEyes worked wonders when I was in high school. i got so used to it I still use them almost everytime I smoke.

the eyedrops that work:

Visine-A <allergy ones. not Visine Advanced.STING
Clear Eyes DON'T STING
Naphcom ASTING

Don't work:

every other eyedrop.


Well-Known Member
not sure what is in my eyedrops from the doctor never bothered to read the fine fine fine print LOL but it stings like fuck for a few seconds then poof my eyes are doing fine..........no sting and no red.........but that first fewe seconds is a bitch.


Well-Known Member
Also the acitive ingredient that makes your eyes not red is TetraHydorzaline....
Many cheep o drops got it some dont.
If it dosent have it shop some more.