'Let's Grow Mushrooms' Videos


Well-Known Member
Anyone? I don't want to post a download link for it if it's not allowed...


Well-Known Member
Alrighty well I'm compressing them right now, I'll post a link on here and put it in my original post when they get done.

Taught me quite a bit on the whole process :P


Well-Known Member
I have no idea, I've seen some clips of it, like previews, but they charge $60 for the full videos. I have them all, not sure if they're on YouTube or not.

Edit: I looked on YouTube and couldn't find the Agar video, which is the only one I looked for. They're all just clips.


Here's a message from our brother RR. The creator of these informative videos:

"Quite frankly, until the US begins to enforce copyright laws, or until more people grow a conscience, there won't be any more DVDs produced.

For those who aren't aware, production quality video cameras cost $3,000 to $5,000 each, and I always had at least two running. Hydraulic actuated tripods for each camera to give smooth pans added another $1500 for each one. Color temperature balanced lights and umbrella stands are over $900 each, and I purchased 10 of them for filming that video. UHF wireless microphones with multiple channels set me back another $3,000 and the wired microphone for the voice overs was another grand. The commercial Adobe software to upload, edit and produce video, and make the original studio masters set me back $10,000 and then as Roadkill said, I took off from my regular job for over a year, to work full time on that project. I paid $10,000 to buy royalties on the music alone. Nothing I used was downloaded from the internet, it was all purchased with our life savings, including the banner fees I pay to the shroomery every single month to be a sponsor here, even though I don't even sell the video-it's available through other shroomery sponsors or amazon.

In addition, I paid to have glass masters made, and every DVD set is stamped from the original glass, ensuring consistent quality. Nothing is burned.

All those mushrooms, mycelium, petri dishes, grain jars, and test tube slants didn't grow themselves, and I had to set up the studio equipment to film all the segments, just as the mycelium was at the right stage in growth.

Add to all that, Mrs Rabbit has cancer, and was going through chemotherapy just as I/we were filming, so she was sick all the time, and the medical bills were piling up, and still are-except now I have to drive her 150 miles just to get to the doctor. I spent the money we had for doctor bills on producing a professional quality DVD, hoping to save her life with the income it would produce. Now that I get it done, at least half the members here have downloaded the video from torrent sites illegally, stealing medicine directly from a sick lady who would cut off her own arm to help a total stranger. It just isn't right, and we're heartbroken over it.

If things change and people stop stealing from us, I might make another video that covers things that wouldn't fit on the fist one, along with the latest projects I've been working on in absolute secrecy. Until then, I've suspended work on anything but a mycology and mushroom cultivation textbook I'm writing for use in public and private schools. When you guys see my video on torrent sites, please try to convince whoever is offering it to take it down. They're not spreading knowledge, they're keeping it bottled up.

RR's a great asset to community. let's not steal from him.. I purchased these DVD's from him in the spring and his information has earned me back my money over and over again.. If you want the videos please compensate the man for his time, and he's always willing to help. Just ask


Well-Known Member
Here's a message from our brother RR. The creator of these informative videos:

"Quite frankly, until the US begins to enforce copyright laws, or until more people grow a conscience, there won't be any more DVDs produced.

For those who aren't aware, production quality video cameras cost $3,000 to $5,000 each, and I always had at least two running. Hydraulic actuated tripods for each camera to give smooth pans added another $1500 for each one. Color temperature balanced lights and umbrella stands are over $900 each, and I purchased 10 of them for filming that video. UHF wireless microphones with multiple channels set me back another $3,000 and the wired microphone for the voice overs was another grand. The commercial Adobe software to upload, edit and produce video, and make the original studio masters set me back $10,000 and then as Roadkill said, I took off from my regular job for over a year, to work full time on that project. I paid $10,000 to buy royalties on the music alone. Nothing I used was downloaded from the internet, it was all purchased with our life savings, including the banner fees I pay to the shroomery every single month to be a sponsor here, even though I don't even sell the video-it's available through other shroomery sponsors or amazon.

In addition, I paid to have glass masters made, and every DVD set is stamped from the original glass, ensuring consistent quality. Nothing is burned.

All those mushrooms, mycelium, petri dishes, grain jars, and test tube slants didn't grow themselves, and I had to set up the studio equipment to film all the segments, just as the mycelium was at the right stage in growth.

Add to all that, Mrs Rabbit has cancer, and was going through chemotherapy just as I/we were filming, so she was sick all the time, and the medical bills were piling up, and still are-except now I have to drive her 150 miles just to get to the doctor. I spent the money we had for doctor bills on producing a professional quality DVD, hoping to save her life with the income it would produce. Now that I get it done, at least half the members here have downloaded the video from torrent sites illegally, stealing medicine directly from a sick lady who would cut off her own arm to help a total stranger. It just isn't right, and we're heartbroken over it.

If things change and people stop stealing from us, I might make another video that covers things that wouldn't fit on the fist one, along with the latest projects I've been working on in absolute secrecy. Until then, I've suspended work on anything but a mycology and mushroom cultivation textbook I'm writing for use in public and private schools. When you guys see my video on torrent sites, please try to convince whoever is offering it to take it down. They're not spreading knowledge, they're keeping it bottled up.

RR's a great asset to community. let's not steal from him.. If you want the videos please compensate the man for his time, and he's always willing to help. Just ask
If he needs money why doesn't he just grow shrooms?


Dude.... I'm sure RR has been growing mushrooms longer than you or I have existed. He's an honest guy trying to spread knowledge about a very under utilized asset to our existence and you want to steal from him? Come-on man


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I feel you man. Besides, some more videos would be good.

I don't have the money to pay rent, much less videos. But I won't help in it, I'll delete em.


Much appreciated man. Hop on over to shroomery and just ask RR if you have any questions or need help, and I'm sure he'll be more than happy to help. I believe its $40 for the 2 disk set. Best money I ever spent : )

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
Dude.... I'm sure RR has been growing mushrooms longer than you or I have existed. He's an honest guy trying to spread knowledge about a very under utilized asset to our existence and you want to steal from him? Come-on man

Much appreciated man. Hop on over to shroomery and just ask RR if you have any questions or need help, and I'm sure he'll be more than happy to help. I believe its $40 for the 2 disk set. Best money I ever spent : )


Yes please do prove me wrong Jakabok. Bwpz if you have any questions or need any help I'd love to. Only have a years worth of experience but I've done jars, bags, and tubs with success.


Active Member
Fun fact: according to the thread on the shroomery RR makes only $5 on every DVD sale. That means to make back the ~$50,000 he invested in equipment, music, and software RR would have to sell 10,000 DVD sets. I'm sure there is plenty of other sunk cost/time in the project that will have to be offset by thousands of DVDs. Methinks he botched the market research a bit.

As hard as I try to feel for RR, he seems like a nice person, I just can't look past how irresponsible that business venture was, and how he explains it away with a lame excuse.

First, investing capital you need to pay doctor bills on a risky business venture is not what I'd call responsible.

Second, WTF is his obsession with making a "professional quality" DVD. How does sinking ~$50,000 into media making equipment make any sense if you only plan to produce one DVD set on a relatively obscure topic. I could possibly see doing it if he was also going to start producing porn or renting the equipment out to help recover the sunk cost. Speaking of porn, I don't really think the product would have suffered if it had only cheap porn quality and inexpensive digital distribution.

Third, $10,000 on licensed music for a mushroom growing video. I don't even need to comment.

Fourth, and this is what really gets me, after pouring his families money into an asinine, and I use the phrase lightly, "business plan" that will obviously take forever to breakeven he goes off and blames piracy as if something that was prevalent before he even started the DVD would be this major factor that kept his business from hitting breakeven. Sure, pirates are the reason you built and then happily jumped on a ship that obviously doesn't hold water. :rolleyes:

Frankly I don't see how what RR did is any more responsible then taking the money and gambling with it at the blackjack table. Indeed I feel the odds would have been more in his favor. If he wants to sit on that equipment instead of using it as an asset that's his prerogative. Considering the high cost and low profit of his last venture I don't blame him. At least it would seem he knows how to step back from the blackjack table.


Well-Known Member
Fun fact: according to the thread on the shroomery RR makes only $5 on every DVD sale. That means to make back the ~$50,000 he invested in equipment, music, and software RR would have to sell 10,000 DVD sets. I'm sure there is plenty of other sunk cost/time in the project that will have to be offset by thousands of DVDs. Methinks he botched the market research a bit.

As hard as I try to feel for RR, he seems like a nice person, I just can't look past how irresponsible that business venture was, and how he explains it away with a lame excuse.

First, investing capital you need to pay doctor bills on a risky business venture is not what I'd call responsible.

Second, WTF is his obsession with making a "professional quality" DVD. How does sinking ~$50,000 into media making equipment make any sense if you only plan to produce one DVD set on a relatively obscure topic. I could possibly see doing it if he was also going to start producing porn or renting the equipment out to help recover the sunk cost. Speaking of porn, I don't really think the product would have suffered if it had only cheap porn quality and inexpensive digital distribution.

Third, $10,000 on licensed music for a mushroom growing video. I don't even need to comment.

Fourth, and this is what really gets me, after pouring his families money into an asinine, and I use the phrase lightly, "business plan" that will obviously take forever to breakeven he goes off and blames piracy as if something that was prevalent before he even started the DVD would be this major factor that kept his business from hitting breakeven. Sure, pirates are the reason you built and then happily jumped on a ship that obviously doesn't hold water. :rolleyes:

Frankly I don't see how what RR did is any more responsible then taking the money and gambling with it at the blackjack table. Indeed I feel the odds would have been more in his favor. If he wants to sit on that equipment instead of using it as an asset that's his prerogative. Considering the high cost and low profit of his last venture I don't blame him. At least it would seem he knows how to step back from the blackjack table.
You'd think someone with that much experience and equipment could sell shrooms and have plenty of money.