Lets make the best of swine flu....


Active Member
To catch everyone up real quick Swine flu all started when some mexican kermit ate out miss piggy, The virus went from piggy to piggy, then piggy to person, now person to person and even person to piggy.....now theres a pandemic..... Great...... Well according to Obama swine flu is NOT a security risk to the united states.......however according to THE W.H.O. (world health organization) swine flu is an international security risk announced yesterday due to it so readily spreding from human to human. Scary shit huh? esspecially for someone like me who works in the medical field.

Anywack heres the plan guys. Lets all start rumors that weed prevents and even cures the swine flu.... sure this is based off nothing but maybe then in fear and stupidity people will turn to weed and the smokeing population goes up, people who have never tried it try it and HEY realize its the bees knees, man (lol).

Once the lil pandemic is under control, (or everyone dies) people still use this wonder drug, but now they don't have an excuse.... That leads us to phase two kids.

Once everyone has tried the wacky wonder of weed we spread the word to push for legalization, after all it did help us threw the flu right? And people love it but the general public wouldn't want to be a CRIMINAL and BREAK LAWS now would they!?! and with the old stoner populis and the new people who started smokeing thinking it would protect them maybe we can start a REVOLUTION


.......but then again what do I know I'm ripped......haha thank you for your time