Lets recall some Bush one-liners before he goes!


Well-Known Member
or did he??

last week a good friend of mine got his orders, he's going back to iraq. that speech was 9 years ago.


propaganda my ass....

you know what propaganda is?? 'job killing, socialist, muslim, kenyan...'
So he didn't say it after all.

Thanks for clearing that up.

White House press secretary Dana Perino says the president recognizes that "the banner should have been much more specific." Perino claims the "Mission Accomplished" referred to the sailors who were on the "ship on their mission." She says the White House has "certainly paid a price for not being more specific on that banner."

The sign was intended for the mission of the Carrier Task Force, but it was used as a vector of attach on Bush it thanks to the Big Lie.

Textbook example of propaganda.

Didn't Obama already end the combat operations in Iraq just like he promised he would?



jeff f

New Member
So he didn't say it after all.

Thanks for clearing that up.


The sign was intended for the mission of the Carrier Task Force, but it was used as a vector of attach on Bush it thanks to the Big Lie.

Textbook example of propaganda.

Didn't Obama already end the combat operations in Iraq just like he promised he would?


johnny, we are already out of afghanistan....or didnt you know that? yes, he got us out right after he closed gitmo.