Lets Talk UFO"S


Well-Known Member
I havent seen any threads or anything about ufo's i personaly am a beliver of the disclosure project well anywayz feel free to chat post pics, and links of what youve seen or anything duces


Well-Known Member
I had a MILAB when I was 17 by a Tr-3B black triangle with red lights. I believe my abductions started much younger than this though.


Active Member
Most of the "UFOs" in our area are just planes flown by our govt i believe. But then again isnt it something like there is millions of galaxies with millions of planets in the univerise i think you would have to be pretty irrogant to think that were the only planet with human like speices, or not even human just living. But i dont think they would bother to travel this far. But thats just my opinion buddy


Well-Known Member
Epic Alien Encounter... True story.
5 years ago, I had moved around America and wound up living in the marijuana hate state, Florida. Of course FLA has mad magical mushrooms all over the cow patties, so I wanted to go find some. I was a NOOB shroom hunter at the time, so I just picked a cow field near to my house. I waited 'til night, and then rolled on over the fence and started pounding the ground for some good big 'ol shrooms. I was out in the field for about 20 minutes. The field was ample in size and had trees and a swamp and forest on one side that lead to nowhere. I had my flashlight in hand and was walking in silence and alone during a calm thunderstorm that started to roll on over in the night when suddenly within 20 feet of me my light paused on the body of a grayish color creature that had no clothes on. I saw all of it's body and surprisingly, it was about 4 feet tall. I only looked at it for 1/4 second with the beam before it took off like speedy runner. I watched it run into the side of the cow patch where the swamp and forest was, I heard it's feet splosh down in the murky water as it ran from me... I thought I was going to shit in my lungs and I ran the fuck home out of that cow field so fast.... Needless to say I wasn't tripping and I didn't find any shrooms. Was around Orlando FL


You are right...there are no UFO posts. Probably cuz this is a grow site. But since you are breaking new ground...I did see a UFO once. Over the Saskatchewan prairie in the early morning on my way to work. I don't smoke and work so no explanation there...plus, marijauna could never create something like this in ones mind. Very big and bright and close...scared the shit outta me, right in my core. Maybe loss of time for a minute or so, but I didnt see any green men so I can't say for sure.

Green Outlaw


Well-Known Member
It was cool when UFO's were flying over Washington D.C. I wish they would do that now so everyone could get it on their phones.


Active Member
I live near the mountains and about a month ago my brother called me and asked if I saw the spinning lights up north in the mountains so I went outside and took a look. There were a few red lights that shifted position on the mountain at will, along with a single extremely bright light that would dim then get super bright again. We saw some planes come over the mountain and the lights disappeared. Thought that was cool. Why would aliens keep making surprise appearances though? Why wouldn't they establish communication if they were real and advanced enough to visit us? Part of me believes aliens are nothing more than another government tool to scare the people. At least the actual beings. For all we know, the "intelligent life" we seek in space could be fractals of light with a conscience.


Well-Known Member
I don't think UFOs automaticly = Aliens..'Our' Government is very shady. I wouldn't be surprised if they themselves have light vessels and saucers.
This is one of many sources. If you want the truth, you will surely find it after you wean out all the propoganda.
Listen Carefully.

The Stig

Well-Known Member
the are no UFOs threads in RIU because most people here is just too ignorant to talk about this subject... :-?

also the terrible level culture that most people have here dosen't allow them discuss a serious topic without being douchbags