Liberal Media Desperately Trying To Cover-up Violent Knockout Game


Well-Known Member
So by your theory, the UK's national healthcare system that was created three years after Winston Churhhill was defeated, is still proof it was implemented under him? LMAO

Read below moron, Churchill was defeated in 1945, in part because he was against national healthcare.

Although Churchill's role in World War II had generated him much support from the British population, he had many opponents. He also expressed contempt for a number of popular ideas, in particular creating a system of national public health care and improving public education. Partly as a result of this Churchill was defeated in the 1945 election by Clement Attlee and the Labour Party.[SUP][1][/SUP]

"Once it was up and running, doctors more or less fell in line. But it did not stop the Tories looking at it when they regained power in 1951."
The party, led by Winston Churchill in the twilight of his political career, set up a committee led by the Cambridge academic Claude Guillebaud to look at how effective the tax-based NHS was. It concluded the NHS was very effective and needed more money if anything.


New Member
"Once it was up and running, doctors more or less fell in line. But it did not stop the Tories looking at it when they regained power in 1951."
The party, led by Winston Churchill in the twilight of his political career, set up a committee led by the Cambridge academic Claude Guillebaud to look at how effective the tax-based NHS was. It concluded the NHS was very effective and needed more money if anything.

What a FAIL


Well-Known Member
So by your theory, the UK's national healthcare system that was created three years after Winston Churhhill was defeated, is still proof it was implemented under him? LMAO

Read below moron, Churchill was defeated in 1945, in part because he was against national healthcare.

Although Churchill's role in World War II had generated him much support from the British population, he had many opponents. He also expressed contempt for a number of popular ideas, in particular creating a system of national public health care and improving public education. Partly as a result of this Churchill was defeated in the 1945 election by Clement Attlee and the Labour Party.[SUP][1][/SUP]
...hey man, you know these dedicated fools live by the credo 'my mind's made up, don't confuse me with the facts' so it won't matter what you say, ...i bet these Obamanauts will still be spewing this kind of puke even after the 'shellacking' they will recieve in 2014 when America mete's out it's judgement on the fools who passed this Obamacare debacle.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member

“The dis­cov­er­ies of heal­ing sci­ence must be the inher­i­tance of all. That is clear: Dis­ease must be attacked, whether it occurs in the poor­est or the rich­est man or woman sim­ply on the ground that it is the enemy; and it must be attacked just in the sane way as the fire brigade will give its full assis­tance to the hum­blest cot­tage as read­ily as to the most impor­tant mansion….Our pol­icy is to cre­ate a national health ser­vice in order to ensure that every­body in the coun­try, irre­spec­tive of means, age, sex, or occu­pa­tion, shall have equal oppor­tu­ni­ties to ben­e­fit from the best and most up-to-date med­ical and allied ser­vices available.”
-Winston Churchill

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
...hey man, you know these dedicated fools live by the credo 'my mind's made up, don't confuse me with the facts' so it won't matter what you say, ...i bet these Obamanauts will still be spewing this kind of puke even after the 'shellacking' they will recieve in 2014 when America mete's out it's judgement on the fools who passed this Obamacare debacle.

peace, bozo
It's looking like there is about a 70% chance the Dem's will get the BOOT in 2014 and just the thought of that makes my meal today taste very good..This will be a more relaxing year than the last five have been...There are six senators up for reelection in red states and if we give all six of them the BOOT we will be golden...And at that time we would have two more years to impeach this POS...imo..


New Member
beenthere obviously has nowhere to be or anyone to be with except this board..wonder why he's alone?:lol:
I'm home and have a bunch of family coming over, every Thanksgiving I take the all the kids down to our pond bass fishing and catching crawfish, they have a blast. We usually have between 15-20 family members over, how about you?


Well-Known Member
It's looking like there is about a 70% chance the Dem's will get the BOOT in 2014 and just the thought of that makes my meal today taste very good..This will be a more relaxing year than the last five have been...There are six senators up for reelection in red states and if we give all six of them the BOOT we will be golden...And at that time we would have two more years to impeach this POS...imo..
Heard you are saving 1000s on your health insurance
Guess you want to put a stop to that heh?


New Member
Under Winston Churchill The UK got national Helathcare

Look up socialism dumbass
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. "

"We contend that for a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

"There is no such thing as a good tax."

"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries."

Yup, sure sounds like a man that loves him some socialized medicine!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Heard you are saving 1000s on your health insurance
Guess you want to put a stop to that heh?
I really don't think the law will totally go away but if it did then the state of oregon will more than likely fire up the OMIP again and I will be back on blue cross so let 'er rip tater chip..


Well-Known Member
Happy Thanksgiving to all of my fellow tokers out there. bongsmilie

Now back to the ops point.

The media has a rich history of ignoring the nature of reality in favor of their sensibilities not being ruffled.

Something is going on out there.

Will this "trend" become more pervasive or is there nothing to see here?

Crystal Mangum, who falsely accused 3 Duke lacrosse players of sexual crimes in 2006, was convicted of second-degree murder on Nov. 22, 2013. (AP)
Duke Rape Accuser Got 160 TV News Stories on Accusation, 3 on Murder Conviction

November 27, 2013 -


desert dude

Well-Known Member
I actually agree with you, except for the first part. There was no Indian honor in counting coup as you say. Everyone in that truck knew full well if their friend was in trouble, somebody (Black guy)was getting stomped.

And I'll ask again. Has anyone here actually had this happen or even heard about this happening to someone they know or is all knowledge of "the knockout game" aka "polar bear hunting" all second hand of the internet?
I don't know personally know anybody, of any race that has had a chain wrapped around their neck and then dragged to their death either. Does that make such behavior excusable, just boys being boys?

Do you have a point other than, "no big deal"?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You are making sense from a psychological point, but then again what is one unarmed person going to do against a group out looking for violence? Trust me when I say that my father and his friends did this purely because they hate Blacks. I can't comment on anything else as I don't have first hand knowledge, but on this I do.

And if it really is just a young male adrenaline thing, why are both sides trying so hard to pin race down on it? Why are they not blaming aimless young males, the cause of most violence everywhere in the world?
racsim is the hook upon which a news story is best hung

it provides outrage from the group portrayed as the victims, and indignance from the group portrayed as the perpetrators.

at this point it hasnt become a government cause, so theres no propaganda yet, but perhaps soon.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
That might be the best video I've seen off youtube Nutes. Well played!
if you have not seen the classic "Kentucky Fried Movie", you should.

it is a series of vignettes perfectly designed for potheads.

my favorite is A Fistfull Of Yen

seek it out and enjoy the madness.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Again, I don't believe his arguments. But I do respect the fact that it is posted in a logical sense with grammar that doesn't make my eyes bleed. That is a lot to be said for the internet IMO.
you dont have to believe my arguments, thats not the function of argument.

if you believed everything somebody said, regardless of your own understanding, you would be reciveing doctrine, not discussing an issue.

thats where bucky falls down. every discussion of ANY subject always comes back to Bucky and ad hominem attacks.

Primus: "i like turtles, should i get one for my nephew's birthday?"

Secundus: "turtles carry diseases like salmonella, they are not a good choice as a child's pet."

Buckus: Turtles are racist, thats why i call Rawn Pawl "Turtlefucker" and youre racist for liking turtles, and Secundus is DOUBLE RACIST for saying they carry diseases!!

Tertius: [copy/paste irrelevant article about the glories of "anarcho-_______ism"]

Buckus: copy statements from other discussions, edited and out of context, declare this to be proof of racism

Tertius : repeat nonsense copy/paste post

Buckus: spam images of nonsense

Tertiius: repeat nonsense copy/paste post

Buckus: more images and a snide remark about turtles and the people who like them.

Tertius: repeat: nonsense copy/paste post

Buckus: declare victory.

welcome to Politics


Well-Known Member
if you have not seen the classic "Kentucky Fried Movie", you should.

it is a series of vignettes perfectly designed for potheads.

my favorite is A Fistfull Of Yen
seek it out and enjoy the madness.
Holy macaroni, that is the last movie I ever saw at a drive
Great, silly, stoner flick...
I think it was 1978 or 79...I had fat joints of 'lumbo in the car.
Fog out.:leaf:

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Holy macaroni, that is the last movie I ever saw at a drive
Great, silly, stoner flick...
I think it was 1978 or 79...I had fat joints of 'lumbo in the car.
Fog out.:leaf:
last movie i saw at a drive in was Conan The Destroyer.

probably not the bomb ass choice for a date movie, but at least i did get some action.

too bad it was all up on the screen :sad: