light leaks, light proof?


Well-Known Member
how light sealed does your grow have to be?

i have my set up right now without ducting but it's in a closet, but the closet is vented so a little light comes in sometimes...

like it's barely any at all, it's still dark as piss inside the box, jsut concerned becase i jsut started flowering and dont' want to spin my wheels/


Well-Known Member
Lock yourself in your room and shut off all the lights. After your eyes have fully adjusted, raise your hand about 3"-4" in front of your face. If you can make out the shape of your hand there's too much light.


Well-Known Member
put a blanket or drapery on at nighttime(the plants that is) covering the area where the light can penetrate.


Well-Known Member
i thought about this, it doesn't make that much sense that there has to be ZERO light in there, for example at night outdoors there is moonlight etc and even on an overcast night i can still see my hand 4" in front of my face...


Well-Known Member
Moonlight is, for all intents and purposes, invisible to plants. Trust us when we tell you that if you've got ANY light leaking into your grow area it will interfere with the flowering process.


Well-Known Member
can give u hermies because parts of the plant that get light will get stressed and form nuts.


Well-Known Member
yeah i'm worried about hermies actually b/c this is my first grow and these plants have seriously gone through some abuse.