light overdose


Well-Known Member
so, this might be a stupid question but can a plant overdose on light? i have a led that i want to put above a plant to compare the growth rate to that of one under a regular mh bulb.


Active Member
As long as you have heat managed, you shouldn't run into an issue of too much light. While bleaching from too much light can occur, its my understanding that bleaching does not effect the potency of the final product. In general people avoid this because its an overdose of light, you would benefit from pulling the light further away and lighting more plants.


Active Member
I've heard it called lumens shock, there is some adjustment from one light to another. Try to keep the humidity around or , water with a spray bottle/mist the soil it will make the air more humid. The MH would be hotter and more intense I think so thats probably where to look out for dry leaves . low humidity, too much light they go together.