Lighting Question???, 1 plant. 3.2 weeks in


Well-Known Member
I just got two new bulbs for my grow room i have one plant and its 3.2 weeks old. All together i have 2 40 watt cool luorescent tubes, 2 25 watt cool fluorescent tubes, 1 20 watt fluorescent tube, a 18" cool fluorescent tube, and 2 20 watt cfls. So far i havent had much light for my plant cuz its only got 4 nodes now and is starting on its 5. its about 3 inches tall and im hoping will be a girl. I will get photos as sometime tomorrow but can i have peoples opinion on my lighting for my one plant?


The russ0r
thats alot of floro lighting for one plant, meaning you're doing good. if you don't want to invest in an HPS, i would stick more to the CFL's than the tubes, but what you've got, keep working it.


Well-Known Member
thx russ for the comment, i wanted to get a hps but i dont want the cops lookin at my receipts and tracing my electric bills n shit.


Well-Known Member
never too much Try sticking to the 6500K lights, and maybe a a few 4100K which you already have being the cool white. The 6500K are the daylights.