Lighting question.


I'm using 4' fluorescent bulbs for my young plants.
I'm using a cool white and a warm white setup. Is this OK? i had them under the plant and aquarium bulbs when they were under my 2' setup, and I'm wondering if this will be sufficient for them or do i need 2 4' plant bulbs.

Cronic The Hemp Hog

Active Member
I would go with CFL's...a lot of light is wasted over the length of long fluoros. You would need a bunch of them to equal the light you would get from a few CFL's.


Cool, Would 40w's b ok?
like this

will the plants grown under the 4's? (1 cool white and 1 warm white) i have them over a 4 site bubbleponic (dwc) setup. Plants were planted the 25th of oct, and moved into the system on the 4th of this month. but i changed from a 2' 2bulb plant grow light to the 4' 2bulb with a cool white and a warm white setup.

thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
personally i would just switch to a 100 or 150 hps and put a pc fan next to it to cool it, but 40 watters will do.