Lighting Question

No i do not see 2 200w 5000k cfl's doing the job. Maybe in the Veg stage might have lil growth but thats not efficent for best outcome or for flowering stage. I would go get your self bout 3 more of those and if sticking with cfls go get some 2500k for the flowering stage. I would do the whole room in mylar to maxamize the light that your are using.


Well-Known Member
i've seen grows with less lighting have some pretty nice results, i'm only looking for some personal bud like half oz a harvest is fine with me


Well-Known Member
are we talking actual watts or equivelent watts? 1 200 actual watt 5000k and 1 200 actual watt 2700k will work for what you want. Use both throughout the whole grow.


Well-Known Member
actual watts its a cfl grow light, and thanks for the reply i think ill go with that idea. whats the average yeild for these cfl's? i cant find a grow thread anywhere with these specific cfl's.


Well-Known Member
it depends on how long you veg(which depends on how much space you have, the plants tend to end up about 3 times as big as when they started flowering, actual flowering, not when you flip to 12/12. so youve got to keep that in mind as well) and how big of a pot your using.


Well-Known Member
im going to do a rubbermaid grow with a hydro and try scroging out to maximize light efficency


Well-Known Member
an oz maybe 1.5-2 dry shouldnt be too hard. it might not happen the first few times till you've got a better grasp on growing and your setup and can fine tune it to perfection, once you get the hang of it you will be able to support your own personal use quite well.


Active Member
If your broke like i was when i started buy two shop light fixures there like 7$ each at home depot then get 4 bulbs.. 2 6500k daylight bulbs 6$ and 2 2900k 10$ Plant/aquarium bulbs. Stuff will grow decently with the 4 t5 bulbs if your mix the spectrums like i suggest. For flower consider going to all 4 2900k bulbs. That set up only cost like 30-40$ or so. It wont give you a huge harvest but you can have a little one :D

I would really suggest a 250hps system for small grow if you can afford it that way you can grow like 2 plants but get better results.


Well-Known Member
If your broke like i was when i started buy two shop light fixures there like 7$ each at home depot then get 4 bulbs.. 2 6500k daylight bulbs 6$ and 2 2900k 10$ Plant/aquarium bulbs. Stuff will grow decently with the 4 t5 bulbs if your mix the spectrums like i suggest. For flower consider going to all 4 2900k bulbs. That set up only cost like 30-40$ or so. It wont give you a huge harvest but you can have a little one :D

I would really suggest a 250hps system for small grow if you can afford it that way you can grow like 2 plants but get better results.
What was your yeilds with the t5's? if you dont mind me asking. Also, i doubt i could use a 250HPS in a rubbermaid grow sadly :-(