Lightproofing a bedroom door

Hi Folks

I've set up an entire bedroom for a grow. The last piece of the puzzle is lightproofing the door.

I've removed the door from the hinges and hung up black mylar with a megalux instadoor zipper down the middle
I have 6" ducting going through it at the top and 4" ducting at the bottom, on the same side

My problem is the bottom of the door. The mylar overlaps a few inches but it is not 100% lightproof

I need a way to lightproof it while still having easy access when moving buckets pots stepladder etc

Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
I always just put weather stripping on the jam and for the bottom you could try a "door sweep" from home depot. Height is adjustable, it just screws on the bottom of the door. Usually they come too long so you just cut to fit. Might have to notch it around the jam to make a perfect seal.

Also, i've had luck with 2" foam pipe insulation. The black styrofoam stuff that's around your water pipes. Cut to size, slit it lengthwise if it isn't already, then peel it open and slide it on the bottom of your door. Might also require a notch or two.


Well-Known Member
u need to replace the door and modify it

if u get a new door u can cut holes in to allow the air to pass tho it from there .....u can add filter boxes the filter box will clean the air along with block the light

the rest of it is simple ..............when the door is back on u pull it shut and then nail a piece of wood in the frame so when the door is closed it is flush against it blocking the light .........the bottom part just take a towel and roll up wrap some string around it to keep it tight then place it at the bottom of the door and press it up when it is shut u open it u walk out u shut it it is all blocked

other wise u need a 2 door tent system


Well-Known Member
You could staple/tape a 6" piece of mylar on the inside of the mylar door along the floor. You'll have to step over it when you want to enter/exit the room, but it solves the problem perfectly.



Well-Known Member
Stick with a regular door... rubber door sweep at the bottom and weather stripping around the sides... cut holes for duct work I guess? Why are you running ducting through a door you're concerned about light leaking from? I mean it's pretty obvious either way with ducts sticking out right?
i've gone with the 2-door setup
inside the room theres the original mylar sheet with zipper
outside the room ive fixed a sheet of mylar around the side with the ducts
the other 2/3's of the door is mylar that overlaps into the fixed 1/3 and rolls up and "hangs" on 2 screws above the door frame
works great

the room is totally hidden and so my main concern was letting the girls have an uninterrupted sleep more than anything else

now i'm wondering about the little power/standby green/red/orange lights on powerpacks, extensions, fan controller etc
how do you guys deal with this? is it worth dealing with?

nice ideas folks



Well-Known Member
Small indicator LED's are going to need to be very bright and very close to your plant to affect it. A green led will do nothing no matter what. How bright can the moon get?


Well-Known Member
Remove the trim the door closes against and replace with 1x2. Get half in by half in weather stripping. Use a 2x4 as a bottom door jam. Been doing it like that for years never an issue.


Well-Known Member
Hardware stores sell weather stripping for door bottoms. You cut it to length and screw it on, My growroom has two doors both bottoms sealed with them -no light leak.
The sides are another story lol best of luck


Well-Known Member
just hang a black out curtain on the inside of the door jamb
just get it wider than the door


Well-Known Member
I have taken a thicker rubber pad like tub liner get at lowes etc and stapled it to the door. it covered the door and let it over hangto cover all cracks and gaps as well as drag the floor when you upen the door as well and rhen use thin weather stripping. ( the weather stripping I used was foam and I did not like it as it made the door bind when closing so I ripped it off and used duct tape lol


Well-Known Member
For 7 or 8 dollars you can buy a draft buster

at most hardware stores or walmart. They work perfectly and are made for sealing the bottom of doors. It only takes a few minutes to size it, which is done with a pair of scissors. There is no hardware and they are super simple to install.


Well-Known Member
Those draft busters suck balls, the easiest way ive done this, is with get some cardboard and thick plastic, wrap the pastic around the cardboard then staple that shit to the bottom of the door. If you do it right it sould airtight to.