lights and drying


Well-Known Member
is it sunlight and hid lighting that destroys the buds when hang drying? can i hang dry above my t-5 lights? there is not really direct light shinning up there but it is lighter ambient this going to degrade the crop? I have in the past had them in complete darkness but circumstances changed and might not have that option



Elite Rolling Society
STRONG LIGHT can destroy the THC, and you always DRY and CURE in darkness or low light.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt dry anywhere its light thats bad for thc bro try stringing up a box and haning them in there in a dark cool space
yeah i was thinking of that.....nice prolly my only option at this point...vegging T-5's in a coat closet, would of been ideal to hang right on the pole....problem is there is indirect light hitting up there from below. Box sounds might sane idea.....rep + for smacking that idea out of me!
